Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The first trimester: I don't want ANY food

So, at my first prenatal appointment, I was miscalculating my last known period pretty hard, and they gave me a due date of like, Nov. 22 (I think).

I got weighed, and I thought, that number sounds pretty high.

I mean, I knew I was pregnant, but I was only 8-ish weeks at that point. You're not supposed to be tipping the scales so soon; the baby is still like, the size of a chia seed.*

*Need scientific fact-check; likely inaccurate.

For reference, I'm not one of those people who weighs herself incessantly -- or even regularly. We don't own a scale. I judge my workouts/meal plans off how I feel that week and how my pants are fitting. I'm really not one to obsess over a number. I'd rather not know, really. HOWEVER. I do have an idea of what I should weigh (within a few pounds). I have a goal/target weight I like to stick around, and sometimes after hot yoga, I'll check in -- just like, every few months -- to make sure I'm on track and within healthy range.

Anyway, this number was not quite there. This number sounded HIGH.

But like I said, we had just gotten back from vacation the week or two before. I chalked it up to wine + good-food weight, and figured I'd bounce back.

(Yeah, when? Note to self: You're about to grow a human).

So, I weighed a lot. Whatever. They confirmed the pregnancy, which looked healthy -- that's what counts, right? -- we all asked a million questions of one another and I was sent home (with instructions to start taking prenatal vitamins, like, yesterday). James and I scheduled an ultrasound to double-confirm the pregnancy for the following week or two, and that was that.

Just found out I'm with child! RIP, fav phone case.

Like I mentioned last time, I was already feeling TIRED. Like, not even just in my brain. My body, too. All I wanted to do when I wasn't working was snooze. Our nurse, Linda, told me I could pretend I was a cat -- and just curl up with a blanket whenever I felt like it, in a nice warm spot. Loved that advice. I was glad James was in the room to hear it too, because whenever I felt guilty for napping too often in the weeks that followed, he'd reiterate: "You're a cat, boo. What did Linda say? You just worry about finding a nice warm place, I'll deal with everything else."

Side note: He's stuck to that! What a pumpkin Jimmy is. He's been dealing with all the meals, shopping, chores, dishes, etc. I mean, it helps that he doesn't have a job at the moment, but he did back in the first trimester. So thankful for that guy.

Where were we? Yes. Napping. I napped ferociously the first trimester. It was pretty much my main pregnancy symptom. I had a few nights of bad cramping -- which sounds alarming, but it's not, as long as there's no blood -- and several migraines (which were hard, considering you really can't take anything for them, and Tylenol is the worst effing pain-reliever on the market), but ... yeah, I can't report any nausea. I had zero vomiting or morning sickness of any kind. No real food aversions, even the meat department at the grocery store didn't gross me out ... but like, it was strange. I just didn't feel like myself. I wasn't hungry at alllllllllllll.

I'm a super hungry person in general. I love food. I love having seconds, and dessert. (Hence, why I've always been a runner or done all the hot yoga possible. Need to burn the cals somehow)! But yeah, in that first trimester, I was completely uninterested in eating. I forced down milk and OJ for the calcium, took my fishy-smelling prenatal, and generally ate stuff around the house when I realized it had been awhile. It just wasn't the same. Even TACOS didn't sound particularly enticing, and tacos are my fav. I always have a craving for SOMETHING. But during the first tri? Not so much. It wasn't even that my taste buds were whack, I just ... didn't feel like nomming. (First time in my life).

So, guess who weighed in at 136 in one of her following appointments! This guyyyyyyyy, and hey, it's nice to see you, goal weight!

Week 12-13. No bump just yet.

I thought my nurse would be concerned, considering that was quite the drop compared to my very first appointment. But there I was, probably week 12 or so, 136 and skinnier than I'd been in a bit.

She insisted as long as I really was trying my best with food, and still managing to get some nutrients in, I was fine. Thank goodness! I was worried. Even the hashtag #12weekspregnant shows some pretty substantial bumps. (And why? It's still like, the size of a raspberry, isn't it?)

Otherwise, not a ton to report from the first tri! I slept. I lost weight, but not on purp and it wasn't a big deal. The news largely remained a secret -- right up until weeks 12/13, when I finally spilled the beans to more of my fam and the rest of my close friends.

I was also REALLY careful with everything they warn you about: I had 0 coffee. Zero wine. No lunch meat, sushi, you name it. That would all change ... (not to imply I'm boozing on the regs! But I did relax a touch with several of those stupid recommendations).

To be continued, with a second-tri update!

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