Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rolling into the third tri!

On Monday, I was walking into work, and I decided to Google "when does the third trimester start?"

"Did you mean to ask, 'how to be the worst pregnant girl on the planet' for not already knowing?" Google shot back.

Yep, basically.

As it turns out, the answer is 26 weeks! Which I hit last Saturday. Holla! We in this.

Every week, I think, I'm at an all-time large, body-wise. (But now I REALLY am, I swear). Can't even get bigger. I've popped big time. My stomach feels ginormous.

It's just crazy. All of this has gone by so fast. How can I be in my third trimester? This weekend, I'll hit 27 WEEKS. If the baby were somehow born, it would likely survive. I mean, in the NICU, sure, but it would survive, The Bump app tells me. Baby G is as big as a head of lettuce. It can open its eyes and it's feistier than ever! (Kicks: all day all day).*

*Not a typo, you have to sing it like Kanye.

Are you sick of seeing my basic-ass bathroom yet?

Let's do a little pregz roundup, shall we? Still working on the proposal/wedding post and a million others. But I need to stay in a reasonable blogging routine or I'll let weeks/even months slip by without realizing. So! Here's what's up lately.

Eating: Nothing weird, really. I get asked about my cravings from time to time, but it's never been anything strange or cliche, like how you hear of bishes eating pickles dipped in peanut butter. All through trimester one, I just wanted fresh food, if anything -- so we made a LOT of smoothies, which were nice, actually, to pack my nutrients into one travel mug. Like I mentioned, I wasn't very hungry, so it was hard to snack on vegetables or get my protein and calcium in. But we added Greek yogurt, spinach, coco water, milk, a MILLION things to those smoothies, which made me feel like, at least I was getting something good to Baby G! (I should get back into that routine, actually. Would help if our blender wasn't a piece of junk).

I still love fruit. Doesn't every pregnant girl love fruit? I feel like you hear that. I can take out two cartons of raspberries as my pre-dinner snack. I went through a huge watermelon phase. Right now, it's peaches-plums-pluots! Ugh, they're the best.

Rice Chex with blueberries are a bit hit in my life right now (I like the plainest, most boring cereals -- always have). Triscuits with sharp cheddar and heirlooms, with a drizzle of balsamic, = another really great snack. Or the paper-thin tortilla chips + super spicy salsa from Nugget ... YUM. I could eat that for dinner every night, if Jimmy weren't so serious about me eating well and balanced. We're kind of on a dessert kick lately, but I'm trying to squash it. It's too easy to take our evening strolls past Baskin for kids cups, or pick out a slice of tiramisu at one of the fancy grocery stores we frequent on the weekends. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Not trying to give this kid type 1 and type 2! Everything sweet and carby just sounds so nice lately. Andddddd I'm usually hungry.

Feeling: My tiredness has come back just a touch. After a long day at work, I usually just want to eat dinner, watch an hour or so of TV, and climb into my Snoogle. I'm not above going to bed at 9, 9:30. (Jims isn't either, which is helpful). Again, transitioning into a new career/line of work has been a steeper learning curve than I had anticipated. It's draining at times. No complaints, I was so relieved to get the opportunity -- but man. Sometimes I wish I were the unemployed one, and could sit around researching pumps and diapers all day! A lot of days, just getting through work, my commute and like, one errand will be all I can manage. I guess that's life when you're growing an extra human.

Making an effort to: Walk more! This is my main form of exercise, and I do love it -- once I'm out. Previously, when I was alone all evening/night, and Jimmy was working late, I'd use the workout room at our apartment complex. But that got boring, the weather is still gorgeous, and now Jimmy's able to join me. Once I hit the pavement, I'm always so happy I made the time and effort. However. Just getting my shoes on and laced up can really be the hard part! Um, mentally and physically, now that you mention it. Midtown (our old neighb) was definitely a more walkable area. Rocklin is fine, but ... suburban. Not as much to look at! But still -- working a desk job, sitting all day long ... I need to be walking like, five days a week. Right now, we're around 3-4 (and some weeks, probably not even).

And we're up and about all weekend, so I'm not concerned about Saturday-Sunday. But sitting is the new smoking (ha), so I need to combat that! Especially with Baby G on board. I miss hot yoga. (But it's super dehydrating/not great for the baby, so). In due time!

Missing: Summer dranks! And my family and friends.

But luckily, summer drank season is wrapping up -- I know I know, will be replaced by Captain and cider and FALL DRANKS -- and I'm flying home for my baby shower next month! Should fill the hole where my loved ones live.

Looking forward to: Flying home! Setting up the crib! We bought a crib and a changing table, did I mention? At Sears, actually. I won't lie, I like Buy Buy Baby ... but it's a touch overwhelming. Was it Sex and the City? Where Miranda was like, "I don't want to see 900 cribs. I want the store to sell one crib, and it's labeled, 'this is the crib for you. It's perfectly safe and it has everything you and your baby need.'"

Um, yes. That, a million times over.

All the cribs at BBB were a million dollars. None really called to me. I didn't know what I wanted, but I knew what I didn't want. We've been there twice now, and left both times, floundering on the crib front. (K, I still feel that way with strollers and car seats). HALP.

But yeah, then we stopped by Sears and asked if they had baby stuff. I don't even know why; I think we were checking out all the major department stores at the mall, just scoping the selection and price-comparing. I hadn't been in a Sears in forever. I had my eye on a crib at Pottery Barn Kids, but James wasn't that into it (he said the gray was bleak and cheap-looking).

Sears didn't have a massive selection, but it was almost better that way. We spotted this one crib, and I swear, it matched our bedroom furniture perfectly! We have like, a maple, finished-wood theme going on. The crib seemed like a perfect size, it came with a changing table option, and it was SO reasonably priced compared to everywhere else. There was a one-day sale, so I think we got everything for maybe $300. (Still need the matching glider!) Bummer that they wouldn't deliver, but it wasn't too massive. James returned the next day with my SUV and picked it up. YAY! And his parents are reimbursing us for it. DOUBLE YAY.

I also now have a breast pump, a bassinet on the way, and some hand-me-downs from one of the KCRA anchors, who was super helpful, showing me what I'd need and how things would work. Can't thank her enough -- who knew you'd have to know how to pump right away? Can't really say I'm looking forward to that, but who knows. Maybe I will look forward to Jimmy doing some overnight feedings while I snooze, given there are no issues with my supply or anything! I won't get too ahead of myself.

I had a prenatal massage too, on Saturday -- a little happy birthday present to myself -- and I guess there was a miscommunication about what time I was supposed to show up. Basically, the therapist and I arrived at the same time. She was so embarrassed, she's now giving me a free sesh. Looking forward to THAT for sure! Myyyy hips hurt.

Weird pregz problem: My gums won't stop bleeding. Every time I brush! I floss often, too. Was warned this might happen; have scheduled an extra cleaning for next week.


Random things: It was my birthday on Sunday! I ate peaches and cream stuffed french toast and it was incred. Had the best day with my fav guy. My next doctors appointment is next Friday. I got 4-5 inches of my hurr cut off (needed a change, it's still long AF). We're going to the Bay Area for DMB with some friends -- including Caitlyn and Dan! -- that day, too. Work will be cray the rest of the month. Still DYING to see our wedding pictures; we've really only gotten the one I shared on FB a few weeks ago. I'M ANTSY. Anddddddddd Sparty football starts TOMORROW! Dying of excitement, cannot contain. Oh, and I've been considering getting newborn pics, but I hatehatehate how every photographer is seemingly Anne Geddes. That shit weirds me out. Also, the bows on little girls have gotten TOO BIG and scary.

Until next time!

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