Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2 months old: An Analisa update!

Welllllllll, I thought I'd be blogging more than just once a month, and maybe I'll get back on track when she's a little older, but spoiler alert: Taking care of a baby all day is hard work!*

*And, so is working full-time AND taking care of a baby. I'm not throwing shade one way or the other on that whole mommy war!

Anyway, I still think blogging just once a month is fine. It's better than nothing! I'm already excited to look back on these when AG is older.

So ... where were we? So much has changed! Will I say that every time? Probably.

Hi baby!

Our schedule

Has gotten a bit more consistent! I was NOT one of those "get 'em on a schedule ASAP!" people -- at alllllllll. I was very much, "let's just see how this progresses, and if she's still not sleeping through the night a few months in, we'll re-evaluate." Well, I'm here to tell you that we're still existing happily this way! I mean, she's 10 weeks old. She still needs to wake up and eat sometimes, and she's still pretty young. Sometimes she'll sleep through the night no problem, other times she'll have a few days where we'll need to do some overnight meals. Whatever! I'm not going to stress about it. We're both well-rested, overall. And happy! And that's what counts.

I read somewhere not to let babies nap more than 3-4 hours during the day, or they won't sleep at night ... and I'm calling bullshit. Well, bullshit at this stage, anyway. A lot of days, Ana will nap like crazy, and still go to sleep when it's time. And I will NOT wake my sleeping child, no matter the circumstances. (Most likely because I'm probably sleeping next to her, or running around the house, trying to be productive!)

She seems to be getting the hang of days vs. nights. I do try to keep the condo brighter during the day, and keep the lights dim at night, even when we're up. We're kind of under unique circumstances too, with James' work hours. He's on nights -- 3p to midnight, so Ana and I trend toward a later schedule, as well. We don't sync up perfectly with James' sched, but we stay up later and sleep in with him in the mornings. I figure it gives Ana and James a chance to spend more time together. (And me too, of course!)

We also use bath time as a sort-of ritual for when she's still up late at night, and we're ready for bed. We make it all steamy and relaxing in there, give her a warm bath, then I swaddle her and put her down when her eyes are droopy but not yet closed. Bath-swaddle-bottle-book-BED. Works like a charm! At first, she HATED bath time, and I think all the freaking out exhausted her. But now, she seems to really like it in there, which is super cute. We splash around, I point out all her different body parts, and run warm water over her whole body ... she just lights up. I love it!


Lately, I've been tracking things in a tiny notebook. How much I pump everyday, when I get the biggest returns, how much Fenugreek and water I had in that time period, etc. Or, I'll track naps. When she's taking them, for how long, and how she slept that night. I've always been a note-taker, but I think a lot of this is just because I'm curious. I'm reluctant to do anything super regimented or structured ... I just want to see how things naturally happen, and fall into good patterns once I note them.

*Note: I did kind of fall off on the tracking front after we got home from Chicago. But I'm still taking mental notes : ) 

Anyway, I've Googled stuff like power pumping, Moms on Call, Baby-Wising your infant ... blah. It's all too much. We'll do things at our pace, and although it's always nice to hear what worked for other people -- the unsolicited advice can be a bit much. If you're a friend and you get pregnant soon, I promise to keep some space when it comes to doling out the words of wisdom! : )  I will also gift you a Snoogle and come bearing food once the baby arrives.


Ana and Grandma Leese. She loves this page with the butterflies!

Enough boring mom stuff -- let's talk about ANA. She seems to kind of understand what's happening when I read to her! Which makes me so happy. I grew up LOVING books, so I hope she's the same way! When I say she "sort of understands," I mean she stops babbling, and listens instead. She looks at the pages, and when I ask her a question, she'll sometimes give me a little coo or some kind of response! It's so so fun. She's "talking" more and more. Reading has easily become the best part of our days together! We read a LOT. Our favorite is Pout-Pout Fish. I'm going to link to it -- if you're a mom, or need to gift a mom/baby ... check out Pout-Pout! It has a great cadence. Ana loves it. I love it! I have most of it memorized, in fact. (Nothing to brag about, ha). Anddddd we just learned there are a bunch of Pout-Pout books I have yet to purchase! AG's going to be so pumped.

Ana-bear's looks

Am I going to say this every month? She looks so different already! I compare her just-born photos with her 1-month pics, and then I look at her most recent shots ... GAH! She is growing up way too fast. I'm obvi biased, but I think she's the prettiest baby of all time. Those big blue eyes, her tiny little nose and mouth, her crinkly smile? I melt. My favorite times are (well, besides when we read! Already said that), when she curls up on my chest for naps, and when we're just waking up together in the mornings. She peers over at me with those eyes, and she's SO happy. She just lights up. I love being this little girl's mom. How did I get so lucky?

How we all feel at Target.

Of course, the hair isn't cute. I say that with love! But ... the rat tail is still in full effect. Yet, the hair above that has sort of thinned out? Who knows. And she has this cradle cap thing lately, have you heard of this? It's basically just some peely skin on her scalp -- like, right above her forehead. I Google Image-searched it, and hers isn't too bad compared to some of the pics I found. She's just a little scaly. And it's actually just started to really heal up! I put coconut oil (you know, the cure for everything) on it, per Google's recommendation, but it goes away in due time.

And those lashes -- are getting so long and pretty! Is it weird that I want to put some Roller Lash on them? (Kidding. I think).*

*I would never put makeup on my baby! Hahaha. They would look UNREAL though ; )

Cutest mouth of all time?

What she's up to lately

Sitting up! Assisted, obvs. But if I prop her in the corner of the couch or sit her upright on my lap, it's her favorite. And she's really trying to sit up on her own, too! Isn't it funny, they just have these urges to do the next thing. Usually, she scoots herself forward, tries to get her balance, and keels over. But it's really cute to watch her try. So advanced (says the biased mom!)

Anyway ... two Sunday mornings ago? James and I were snuggling with her, and we think she had her first laugh. Just a little giggle, not a belly laugh, but whatever. Jimmy and I looked at each other right away, like, OHMYGOD THAT WAS IT! It was the cutest thing of all time. She definitely is starting to have a bit of personality. She's so sweet and cuddly. She holds my hand when we read and have bottles. It hurts my heart when she's upset. I just want to FIX IT, like, immeds.

I probably said this last time too, but her smiles are just more and more genuine and social. You smile at her, and she'll probably smile back. Not every time, but most of the time!

She loves going over to my parents', which we can do now often, now that we're in Michigan permanently. It's the best. I love going over there too! I rarely feel like I need to hog her, seeing as we spend all day, every day together. I'm more than happy to pass her over to my parents, eat a hot meal (rare over here), and catch up on my texts. Basically, my mom overstimulates her and my dad takes her on buffalo walks. Long story! But it's so nice. We won't be at my grandma's condo forever, so I figure we should live it up in RO for as long as possible. We finally have a place a little closer to James' job, but we're in no rush to actually move in.

What else. She slays tummy time. Not to be one of those braggy parents but ... OK, I will. I looked at this chart of what most/some/all babies are doing, month by month, developmentally -- and Ana-bear kills it. She's so strong already! She tries to bear weight on her legs. She gets really high off the ground when she's on her stomach. She wants to talk and crawl -- she's not close, but you can tell her instincts are there! -- and she just seems so engaged and social. She's awake for a good chunk of the day ... what a big girl! She's an awesome baby.

1986 style! It slays me how much she looks like Jims here.

Baby gear

I do wish we were unpacked and at the new place full-time, mostly because 90% of our baby gear is there! I need to find her Rock and Play, her Pack and Play, basically ALL THE THINGS. She has nowhere I can just leave her around my grandma's, except obvi like, on a blanket on the ground. Which isn't bad, I mean, she can't roll off it, and the carpet is fine. But sometimes I feel like she needs somewhere better to hang, like, if I have to do stuff in the kitchen or around the house.

I was going to buy a fancy carrier, so I could at least hold her and go hands free -- especially because she LIVES to be held these days and doesn't like when I'm out of sight -- but I couldn't decide on one. Taking suggestions! My anchor-friend/former coworker Edie gave me her old carrier, I think it's a Bjorn, but I haven't played around with it enough. I like the idea of the woven kind; hers is a bit more structured. I figure you can never have too many! I read about them, and it sounds like the different ones are just good for different occasions.

And, has anyone tried the Mamaroo? I feel like Ana would love it. Not sure if I can justify the $240, but ... I keep reminding myself, if we have more kids someday, all this will go to good use once again! : )

Ahem, on the second baby front -- don't even ask. Don't be one of those people.

Other stuffs

I miiiiiiight be able to justify the Mamaroo if I get a job! I'm looking into some work from home/freelance-type opportunities at the moment. I'll keep you posted! I don't knock day care at alllll, and might have to put AG into some type of program someday. But that day is not today. I'm really happy to be staying with her as a newborn -- and so thankful that James doesn't mind carrying our financial load for a bit. Still, working from home a few days a week would be such a nice setup.

I still want to write a book, and I think I even have my topic picked out, but again ... things you DON'T have time for with a baby. I might just start drafting, and getting some ideas down. Do you know you can self-publish on Amazon? Pretty cool.

I'm still pumping around the clock, as that's Ana's primary source of food (actually I'm wrapping up this entry to get one final pump in before bed), and I won't lie, it can be exhausting. I should probably write a post on exclusive pumping, and just like, everything I've learned. My life is like, half Ana, half milk-removal. I think I'll do it till she's at least 6 months. Maybe a year. I'll continue to see how it goes.

It's like, every 3 hours: Plug in, give Ana to James or set her up nearby with a pacifier on hand in case of a freakout, start pump, go for 20 minutes, empty collection cups, rinse/wash cups if there's time, log whatcha got. ... But like, you know. Sometimes we'll be out and I'll get off schedule. Or I'll have to pick between a nap and a pump. Or Ana will be content, doing her thing, and it pains me to break the peace just so we can go pump. But that's life, I suppose! Two months down, at least four to go  : /

Overall though: GAH. I love her. She is a dream baby (so far, ha). I love James and our little family. I feel so lucky to be able to stay home and treasure her. And take 9,000 pics. I put so many things on my to-do list every week, and only about half get done, because I'm constantly overestimating how much time I'll have. Some days we're playing in the living room and I'll say, screw all the chores. She'll only be 9 weeks old once. My job is to be her mom, and listen, and understand her cues, and snuggle her, and teach her how to love. I cherish our time together so much.

We'll probably go to New York next month to visit the Ganleys. AG took another road trip last weekend! Sad circumstances, as my Uncle Jack died, but it was really nice for her Chicago family to meet her. Still have to send in some paperwork for Ana's birth certificate and my enhanced driver's license (so that we can drive through Canada), but ... all in good time!

Cutest of all time? Perhaps.
I'm all over the place. Ana is so curious, happy, loving, and funny. I could not be more thrilled to be her mom. Can we freeze time please?

(Am I a broken record? Have I said all this a million times already? Sorrrrrrrry!)

But overall, being a mom is crazy-incredible-frustrating at times-worth every moment. I think my hormones levels are finally starting to return to normal, so that's hopeful! Man, have you seen those P&G commercials though? "Thank you, mom?" Phewwwwwwww. Those'll getcha.