AH I have so much to fill you in on.
Nugget alert! |
First of all, before I get started: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all the kind words on my last blog. Here, I'll link it in case you missed it, or you aren't sure wtf I'm talking about. Basically, I thought it was important to jot down some notes on our experience nursing + pumping. I'd honestly meant to do so for months, if not the entire past year. And I finally did it. I just typed it all out like, stream-of-consciousness style and I had no idea it would resonate with so many people. And I hate to go all WEB EDITOR on you, but the page views keep rolling in, too! You forget how many people struggle with nursing issues, and I was happy to share our story with such a receptive group. You guys are the best. I got so many FB comments, messages and texts -- it was hard to keep up! This is starting to sound like a humble-brag, I fear, so I'll cut myself off now. But seriously, thank you for giving me such a nice platform where I can share our experience without judgment or mommy wars or fear of negative anonymous comments. I think I've mentioned that I'm gonna stop these monthly updates once Ana turns 2, but I'll definitely keep up with the other free form-type mom pieces. I have a bunch saved in draft mode and I'm really excited to keep writing!
Anyway. Let's get to the Anz, shall we?
She is less go-with-the-flow these days, but just as sweet and fun.
Ugh, where to start? Family pictures were almost a disaster.
It's hard, because I want to commit to getting them taken every year. I think they'll be really fun to look back on, and already, last year's session seems like SO long ago! But ... how do I say this? I take a *lot* of pictures of Ana, as you all probably know, so I guess I feel like the bar is really high. <-- That sounds conceited and I don't mean for it to. I'll dive deeper: I'm not satisfied with any old pic of Analisa looking halfway deece, when I realize her full potential for cuteness (which is through the roof, #biased). Does that make sense?
So, although I'm obviously not a professional by any means, I still think I take super-adorable pics of our daughter almost daily. I feel like some moms would be OK with any professional, glossy, well-done pics in proper lighting. But not me. Last year, I was kind of underwhelmed when our photog didn't even try to get Ana to smile. This year, Ana just wanted to run away from us and explore the park on her own. And although our photog this year had a little bit more time to work with us and get Ana to halfway cooperate, I was still pretty bummed -- but not surprised -- when Ana would refuse to be held or she'd randomly freak out or try to sprint down this one path. You feel me?
And I know -- the pics turned out! Thank goodness. I was stressing! Seriously, if anyone needs a photog in Metro Detroit, Kerry Black is your girl. (But still, don't think that I was totally exaggerating when I say Ana was a mess). Sure, we got a handful of great pics out of the session. But consider that we were out there almost two hours. Kerry probably took what, 1,000 pics? And then edited 100? And then we found 20-ish salvageable ones? I mean, I know a cute bear when I see one, and she was on the verge of tears in MANY, MANY pics. Also her hair looked crazy and we had to do last-minute outfit changes because it was colder than expected -- but I'll take the responsibility for those things : ) Anyway, almost-2-year-old pics are done, and hopefully she's a little more bribeable at 3!
My loves. |
And then what else ... oh! Swimming lessons. K, I never really expected Anz to learn learn anything, but I still thought she would hang out with the class and splash around.
Not so much.
Kind of like everything else in life rn, she wants to do it on HER terms, on HER time, etc.
I will say, it's pretty silly that this class is for babies like, newborn through age 3. That's a pretty ginorm age range! The first class was just like, introductions, silly songs, and dipping the babies' feet in the water, and Ana was over it within probably 3-4 minutes. She just started yelling, "DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN!" -- but like, no. I can't let you all the way down, Anz. We're in 3-4 feet of water -- and then she started in on, "OUT OUT OUT!" She's not quite to an age where you can bribe her or reason with her, and I didn't want to be the people making a scene, so what could we do, really? She and James roamed the pool deck for a few, until she started stealing kick boards from the older classes and trying to throw them in the pool. Anddddd we were outta there.
Naughty bear ;) |
Our goal for last week's class was just to keep her in the water. We played with her near the pool steps and she had a blast. But when we wandered over to the class, it was more songs and introductions and parent tips. UGH that kills our flow so hard, and I actually said that to one of the teachers who approached us after class. She was all, "Well, the goal is for the babies to be comfortable in the water," and let me tell you -- we are probably a little too comfortable! I feel like if anything, Ana should fear the water about 50 times harder. Remember in Lake Huron earlier this summer, when all she wanted to do was run into the water, mid-storm? Yeahhhhh.
'Tis the age, is what I hear -- for all this craziness and rebellion, that is. And then people will warn you, "Terrible 2s are coming!" Which, I've also heard for little girls, is more like Terrible 3s. "Three-nagers," if you will. Fingers crossed we're not in for it. ;)
I will say, I hear a LOT of this sentiment lately: "Well, blahblahblah and this situation happened and that -- I just don't want him to turn into a brat!" Or, "I just don't want to spoil her or make her ungrateful!"
Sorry, but I don't really believe in all that. Not right now. I swear, people with babies Ana's age keep repeating this stuff! (And I know I always say not to judge, but just ...)
I mean, yes, of course, what we do as parents matters immensely. We have to set good examples, lead with our words, react in a way that the baby takes seriously ... but honestly, I don't believe scolding kids and laying the hammer down before the age of 2 really does much, or sets the foundation for a "bratty" or non-bratty kid. Even if I did try to discipline Ana or intervene too quickly or take more action, she likely wouldn't listen. I'm not sure she has the potential to absorb much of it at this stage in her life.
My point is, toddlers (or, pre-toddlers if you're us), are assholes sometimes. But what happens this week isn't necessarily going to set the bar for the teenage years.
My reactions matters. What we say or do during this stage matters. But I'm not gonna blow it out of proportion and say she's gonna be untamable at 10 because I caved on what sippie cup she used when she was nearly 2.
Also, I've learned that you can show her you're listening, but still do things on your terms. For example, if she'll all, "Home? Home?" when we're at the grocery store, I'll say, "We're going home soon, Ana. It will probably just be another 5 or 10 minutes. Mama's gotta find the cereal!" And then I follow through. "Ana, you were so patient! Thank you. Look, we're going home now, just like you wanted." You don't have to drop everything for their requests. I think kids feel secure when they know you're listening, but still in charge.
Oh and at this age more than EVER: You have to talk to her as if she's a real person. I mean, because she is! We've been pretty adamant about this since the beginning. You don't just grab her from playing and do a quickie diaper change without discussing it first. What if someone did that to you? You say, "Ana, that diaper looks full! I'm going to change it really quick and then you can get back to your toys."
It might sound crazy to some, but Dr. Jenn gave me this idea, as well (I swear, she comes up in my blogs all the time -- because "Superbaby." Go read it).
Even since Ana was an infant, I've been in this routine, even with an example as simple as, "Mama's gotta run and stir the soup in the kitchen really quick. I'll be right back!" I talk to her confidently and I tell her what's up.
I swear, some moms look at me like I'm crazy -- you should hear Anz and I chattering away at the mall, even when she's in her stroller these days -- or even when she was weeks old and I'd give her a heads up that I was gonna grab a glass of water. But I swear, it set an important foundation for us.
No. 1 stunna |
This kind of ties in to what I was saying earlier, but am I the only one *not* micromanaging my kid?
I swear, every time I go to the library -- the one in town or in Royal Oak -- there are these helicopter moms hovering ahead like, "Play over here!" "No, the train set works like THIS." "Share your things!" "No, grab that other book." "Did you see this kitchen toys?"
OMG let your kid playyyyyy. I swear I might look like the bad mom, catching up on email on my phone on the couch, but Ana is capable of playing by herself. She's often happier playing by herself. I'm not about that bossy-mom life. Let them live!
All that said: Ana is still the best girl.
Daddy's main squeeze |
A bit defiant at times, yes. Independent af, yes. Wants to do things her way, hell yes.
But honestly, she still plays well with others -- even if it's more parallel play than like, actively playing with other kids. She doesn't care when other kids rip toys off her. She's shy, but mostly difficult just with me and James. :) It means she's comfortable and confident around us, right?
And we have way more good times than hard times. I mean, it's like, 94% giggles and more interaction than ever and cuddles and love and play time. Sure, the 6% is a real pain in the ass, but she's our gal. We are blown away by her every single day, no exaggeration. She is so sweet, loving, filled with joy and just like, infectious. Even after the hardest of days, we'll put her down and be all, "I miss Ana!"
That smile, you know? |
Also, she says SO MANY WORDS.
I think I'm just gonna say this every month from here on out. Sorry not sorry!
She was marching around in my T-shirt the other day (which looked like a maxi dress on her), and she paired it with shoes (which she put on herself) and a headband, marched over to me, and said with great confidence, "OUTFIT!"
Outfit was right.
She counts to 10. I swear, she was stuck on one-two, and then one-two-three for months. Then she woke up one morning and counted to 10, no prob.
I especially love when a bird makes a strange sound or she'll hear a fire truck and ask, "What's that?" (Sounds like "WAT DAT?")
She hears something once and remembers it, I swear.
Also, super simple but cute -- I love to hear her say YES. She has a few versions: "ya ya ya," "sure!," "yeahhhhhh" or "YES!" But in a world where she only used to say no, I love an agreeable Ana!
"Wanna come read a book with Mama?"
"Ummmm SURE!" she'll say with a big smile. <OMG my heart>.
Also she'll tell you these stories! I got back to Royal Oak from the newsroom the other day and she was all, "Suit and water and blue and Meese and Bob and eat and dark and outside!" She uses her hands to explain, and she's so serious when she's telling me a story. My mom and I were loving it!
Anyway ...
Sleep issues -- we kind of fixed them, but I'm scared to type that officially.
Who, me? |
K, so Analisa went like, 5-6 days straight with no nap, and I was scaredddd. We were trying everything. Waiting till she seemed really tired (but then, were we making her overtired?) or trying earlier than usual, so that she *wouldn't* be overtired (but then, was she just getting bored in her crib?)
And like, some days, I'd really try to tire her out with lots of outside time or errands or STUFF. And it would make 0 difference.
I even asked one of my moms groups on FB, "When did your kid drop the nap?" And I got so much advice -- from people telling me she might be done with the crib and I should consider moving her to a big-girl bed, or dropping around age 2 is totally normal, or totally ridiculous advice ... argh. It made my head spin. Also, I just read somewhere that kids typically don't drop the nap before 2 -- and sometimes maintain it until age 4 or 5! K, I'm totally not expecting her to last that long, but like, through the next year or so, probably? Right?
Also, I'm not being crazy. She's not ready to drop the nap -- if she hasn't taken one that day, usually 6 p.m. rolls around and she's completely miserable. But she fights it and fights it and I half think she's just testing her limits/my sanity. Her eyes are all heavy when I put her down and I have no idea why she doesn't go tf to sleep. If she had quiet time in her room and came out refreshed and recharged for the second half of the day, it would be one thing.
But this is not that.
Anyway, all of a sudden, James switched the game by putting her down without her gang of "fwens." (Friends are Elmo, Abby, Dragon, sometimes Bunny, Nuts and Poppy. All are known to go everywhere with her). James mid-week was like, "Just Blue today!" And guess who was down within 10 minutes? I swear, she'd been napping the past few weeks like, on rare occasion, but it was taking 45 minutes or so for her to pass out. And without her lovies just recently, she was OUT. This has been the case for the past few days, so ... maybe it's too soon to call it a pattern. But we're back to napping, and that's what counts! I will honestly take every last day I can get. Also because I have this cold that just won't quit. I need her to rest so I can rest! (Selfish).
Also we gave her a pillow.
Speaking of big-girl bed talk, did I mention last month that I got her a bed? Just the frame because it was cheap, exactly what I wanted and for sale on FB. I'd been kindddd of debating the move, until I happened upon a thread online that basically said, "Oh, your kid still sleeps well in the crib? Why F with it then?" and that really resonated with me. Nothing is broken -- fingers crossed -- so why am I trying to fix a problem that doesn't yet exist?
I am now thinking about a potty in the downstairs. I even bought one at Walmart; who even knows why. I haven't set it up yet. I was thinking instead of pushing it or going right into potty training, she could get used to seeing it around the house first. You know what I mean? It could become a little more top of mind. She does often tell me when she's wet or when she's pooped, and likes watching me pee.
We're still happy in diapers -- will totally do this on her schedule. And she still sleeps like a boss at night, nap or no nap, so honestly, those are the two things that matter most, right, with all these transitions floating around?
Hi boo! |
I know I always say, "this is my favorite age!" every month ...
And it's occurred to me that maybe I should take a month off, because Anz can pose quite a few challenges lately ... but honestly, NAH. "What sound does a horsey make, Ana?" ... "Nahhhhh!"
Here is a list of reasons why going-on-2 is worth it:
1.) She says, "I love you!" and gives me the happiest, wettest kisses. Every day.
2.) She runs around the house looking for me, going, "Mommy? MOMMY? MAMA?" I swear, her eyes pop open some mornings and she must say, "MOMMY!" as one of her first thoughts, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
3.) When we drive to RO on Tuesdays, we make these silly noises at each other and she ends up laughing so hard she probably pees.
4.) She tries to make me laugh (and succeeds) and loves it.
5.) Her personality is bigger and brighter than ever.
6.) She brings me books (well, this is not new), but *truly* seems to absorb them -- repeating after me on occasion, trying to recite all the colors on each page, taking in new words, and reacting in the best ways possible. "See Ana? They just didn't recognize Daffodil with his fancy new haircut." ... "Ohhhhh!" she'll say with a knowing smile.
7.) She's excited about learning and is really trying to impress me -- see #6 -- or even just by carrying something heavy. She's so proud of herself and loves a good challenge.
8.) Her curiosity about the world is just ... there are no words. Babies are fascinating. She is fascinating. I love watching her take it all in. She makes connections so fast these days and just wants to know everything!
9.) The way she uses her new words.
10.) Her silly dances (that look like mine), like to my alarm clock song (Chandelier by Sia). I swear she's my mini!
11.) Her singing! Tell me you've seen the Snapchats.
Anyway, I try not to glamorize each age -- or make it look too easy or too hard. I assume everyone has different experiences along the way, and these are just ours.
There was a day last week when Anz wouldn't nap, and Lord I NEEDED it and I think I cried (like, not active tears, but def welled up from exhaustion). And I was all, "Why are we having ANOTHER BABY, I WILL NEVER SURVIVE!"
But we will. I caught up on sleep that night. Everything is a stage and nothing lasts. Hopefully the nap fight can be a distant memory soon enough.
I'll wrap up with some loves + hates and we can call it a day, until like, next week when my month 22 blog is due. ;)
Ana loves:
Mommy + daddy
Her lovies (Po, Elmo, Abby, bunny, Nuts, Poppy and Roger the dragon are in the main gang)
Meese + Bob
Breaddddddd (please sing that word like Oprah)
Everything and everyone in the morning
The water, as long as she doesn't have to participate in that swim class for BABIES
Standing during baths
When I say, "Who's naughty?"
Fruit snacks <--- (bad mom)
Milk in the milk cup, juice in the juice cup and water in the water cup SO HELP HER GOD.
Ana hates:
A new random food every day (might be something she LOVED the day before)
Getting her shoes put on: "SHOES FEET TOES OUCH NO!" (Yes, they fit just fine).
When I do her hair
Naptime, most days
Being asked by strangers to do literally anything
Going with the flow
When I make myself a bowl of cereal (even if we share bites). "No, no, nooooo mama!"
When a cup is in the dishwasher and I have to put water in the milk sippie, SO HELP HER GOD.
Until next time!