Monday, October 27, 2014

All the little things I'm loving -- Part 2

I'm having a hard time blogging lately because WERKKKK.

Is so crazy.

Between projects and next week's election and all of the breaking news ... I am just like, spent. And the workflow is not letting up anytime soon, so.

Another post on all the little things!


I've always been partial to a good headband, but then I saw a pic -- and I don't even think it's a recent pic! -- of Blake Lively wearing a headband and it was perfect.
Fashion-wise, she can do no wrong. OK, edit, LIFE-WISE, she can do no wrong. Cutest preggo person I've ever seen. Ryan Reynolds. Enough said. Anyway, it was a total "I saw Cady Heron wearing army pants and flip flops, so I bought army pants and flip flops," moment, but I'm not sorry. Today I was looking a little too "she could be a FARMER in those clothes," so I threw on a sparkly headband and crisis averted, yo.

I fully intend to dig up all my college headbands and start rocking them in full force this fall.*
*Note: It's still like, 70s here. Sigh.


I think I've discussed: I can't have a dog. I work too much, and for like, 9-12 hours at a time. And as much as I would truly love a puppy, I think he might deserve a better life than I have to offer right now. (Not to mention a backyard). But when I saw a posting near the apartment mailboxes to help watch someone else's puppy?! I was all in. Today was our first day together! Basically, I go to this girl's apartment every day at noon and play with baby puppy. He's a beagle and only a few weeks old and he wants to chew on everything. 

Sit still, please, BP!
But I get paid and the cleanup is minimal and I'm really excited so far! He has an ugly name, so from here on out, he will continue to go by BABY PUPPY.


We went on a super hard one a few weeks ago! And now I want to do it again Saturday -- maybe Soda Springs this time. I honestly live in the prettiest part of the country and I don't know how long I'll stay so ... let's keep living it up on the hike front, yo. (Although I really should get proper shoes. I nearly killed myself in my slippery Pumas at Squaw a few weeks back).

Don't ask if we ever found Shirley Lake.


Doesn't get old! Especially wins over Michigan. I'm obsessed with these Sparties. And Mark Dantonio. Boys, please win in two weeks. Puh-leeeeeeeease!


I bought a new bed! I think I've mentioned this, too. It was about triple what I wanted to spend, but I haven't regretted this decision for one second. It's so magical. Am I wasting CRAZY time in the mornings lately? Yep. I need to teach myself how to get out of that thing.

Right when it was delivered! New frame and everything : )

But like ... I haven't slept this well in years. I was in an old bed I bought on Craigslist since college. This purchase was approximately 8723413467 years overdue.


Does this make me basic? I haven't lived near a B Dubs in ages, but now I do! And all I want to do is eat spicy garlic wings every day after work.


I caved! We knocked out Orange is the New Black in about 10 seconds, and now we're on House of Cards. Which is a liiiiiiiiiittle over my head, politically, but like, it's still so addicting and good and KEVIN SPACEY. I want to be Kate Mara.

AND WAS I THE LAST PERSON TO GET ON BOARD WITH MODERN FAMILY? (This has been a blog post of yelling, and for that I'm really sorry).

When I've had a bad or particularly stressful day at work, all I want to do is go home and binge-watch like, six MFs. I laugh out loud. (And I neverrrrr LOL at TV). Everyone is cast so well. Phil is just ... omg wonderful. I've even teared up a few times. Can't stop. Won't stop.

**Oh, and Lena Dunham's book. I like it a lot so far, but I feel mixed about several elements here. I'll report back soon.

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