Thursday, October 2, 2014

Makeup Forever. I should basically buy stock.

Forever, forever ever, fah eva eva?


To rewind, I have problem skin. I have since like, sixth grade. Story of my life. It went away for a brief moment in college, and then came back with a vengeance when I graduated. Adult acne is super cute. Thanks, genes!

For the time being, I've actually found a spot treatment/face wash combo that's kept my acne mostly at bay. Mostly. Someone better give the memo to the visitor on my chin, though. He's a painful one.


Acne probz have meant I've spent my lifetime wearing an F-ton of concealer. Thick, heavy, liquid concealer. When I was younger -- and therefore worse at blending, with 0 makeup budget -- I didn't even care that you could tell I was wearing 10 pounds of makeup. I'd rather look heavy-handed than red, splotchy and infested [gross word, sorry]. 

So, over the years I've definitely gotten better at blending my makeup, finding the right brands for my skin type and color-matching.

But the need for foundation never really went away.

Untilllllllll I found this Makeup Forever compact. It's my desert-island product. Like, if I were stranded -- even if I were alone -- I'd take this.

Do you like my professional photography skills?
It was probably 2009 when I first read a review online. The compact sounded too good to be true. It's like, a combo foundation/powder ... but more like a powder ... but thick enough where you shouldn't need to wear anything underneath ... but light enough that people don't think you're wearing a makeup mask. What? Is this real life?!

So here's the deal. You go to Sephora and you find the Makeup Forever section. Flag down an employee and ask to get color-matched. (They do this all day, I prom-prom it's not weird). The Sephora expert will help you find the compact that's just right for your coloration -- I'm #117, also known as PALE AS F -- and you purchase it. The only bummer part is, I think it's like, $36+tax. And if you're anything like me, you'll go through maybe one a month. Buttttt #worthit.

The best part is, this is all you need on your skin! It covers up uneven skin tone and imperfections -- it's like magic. And OK, I'll admit that sometimesssss I've snuck on a little foundation underneath if I have a particularly mean or aggresive zit, but that's usually just if I'm feeling extra self-conscious. When I'm taking off my makeup at the end of the day, I'm usually like, you did NOT need that extra layer. You were not fooling anyone. 

It's just taken me years to get used to the fact that one product really will fix it all.

So, Makeup Forever. I don't know what I'll do if they ever stop making this thing. All you need is a layer or two and boom -- no shine, no grease, clear-looking skin.

You're welcome!

Can you tell I got a manicure for this shot?

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