Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Soap & Glory (sounds like a punch line). EYE CREAM!

A few months ago, I was like, "is everyone using eye cream without me?"

That little pink blending sponge deserves a post of its own.
 I'll rewind. A few YEARS ago I determined everyone was moisturizing (without me), and I felt kind of left out. Who knew this was a thing we were all supposed to be doing? I still have oily skin, why should I be putting lotion on it all of a sudden? How did everyone else know to?  Questions.

So, fast forward backkkk to present day -- eye cream. I read a lot of beauty mags and sites on the regs, and people are talking about it -- the best brands, where to buy, etc. The past few months, I've seen pictures of myself, and where as usually, the first thing I see is acne or my splotchy skin, lately it's been bags under my eyes.


And what? When did I get so old? This is a thing now?

First the butter dish and now the bags. Late 20s, hi hi hi.

It's true: Sometimes I'm overworked, and I'm on a weird sleep schedule, and it's been a stressful past year or so. So maybe the bags under my eyes shouldn't have come as such a shock. But it did.

I woke up like dis.

So, I asked around on Facebook and a ton of people got all, "YES, eye cream is a really great preventive thing we should all be using, I mean, why not, it's your face, right?"

Right. I'm a big believer in investing in your appearance. This is why I splurge on nice haircuts and go to yoga.

Also, am I smiling too hard? Is that what's creating the bags? Ew. That might be something. But I don't trust people who don't smile with their teeth, and my teeth are kind of my thing, yaknowyaknow? Conflicted. #firstworldprobz

Soooooo, sometime shortly after the FB post, I found myself at Target and picked out a pretty basic kind of eye cream. That shit's expensive! I found a small tube for like, $15 by Neutrogena and felt productive. Bought it, used it for awhile, noticed no difference whatsoever, still managed to feel OK about it.

I was in the eye cream routine, that's progress, right?

Well, even more recently I got to thinking, and I was like, "should I be noticing some kind of difference? Maybe I'll revisit the eye cream sitch."

Last weekend, Lucky magazine posted a feature on all the best brands, so I picked one based on my needs, went to Sephora and picked some up. It was $41, so that kind of sucked, but I got over it.

For the record, I selected Soap & Glory's "Make Yourself Youthful" eye rejuvenating cream. Holy SHIT.

It's the teeniest little container, but you only need to apply a small amount. You're supposed to put it on morning and night, and I'm only on like, day three -- but you can really feel something happening! It tingles, it's THICK, dewey and hydrating ... it feels really good.

Boop, you baby container. Booooop

I go through phases of wearing a lot of eye makeup, and I also use a super drying (but effective!) face wash. So maybe my eyes just needed a bit more moisture. But like I said, I'm pretty much sold. This stuff feels incredible on my face.

So, no word yet on whether my bags will go down (I'm also trying to drink way more water like I used to when I was bikram-ing around the clock/and eat less salt). But I still feel really good about this stuff so far!

My eyes are NOT used to being so hydrated. I'm also trying to tug at my eye makeup less when I'm removing it at the end of the day with those Elf wipes.

So, progress!

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