Sunday, April 12, 2015

Vaycay -- Part 4!

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

... And I'm just now realizing we either threw on some of the same shirts everyday, or my pics are all scrambly and out of order. Whatever, right? 

Being cute or whatever.

We did a LOT on Tuesday!

We started at Glass Beach, which is known for sea glass urrywhere. Only ... it took us awhile to find! Apparently, people have been picking it over for awhile, and it's not really URRYWHERE anymore. (Even when we finally found the glass, you wouldn't believe how many people were there with baskets and buckets, just like, collecting it to take home. I got so irritated. I wanted to tell everyone to put it back, so we can ALL enjoy Glass Beach! Again ... #gettingold).

Some of the pieces up close and personal.

We walked around different parts of Glass Beach for so long! Hours. The day -- like many others on the North Coast -- started kind of windy, foggy and gray, but really brightened up as the fog wore off. It was gorgeous, sunny and probably mid-60s by probably 2 or 3.

Glass Beach! How crazy that this just happened.

Afterward, we wandered over to Laguna Pointe and MacKerricher State Park. Apparently, Glass Beach is part of MacKerricher, but we drove over to the state park entrance and walked around there for awhile. What to report ... a ton of really pretty sights and scenes, per usual at this point. And these seals swam really close, right up to us at one of the lookout points!


Tuesday was also the day we stopped by Pacific Star Winery. We did a little tasting inside, talked with the really nice owner, then sat out on these chair for probably an hour or two, just watching the waves slam up against the rocks with a glass of tempranillo in hand. We were dying to see whales again -- and the owner said he's been seeing a bunch lately! -- but we didn't have a ton of luck. Still, SO pretty. I could've sat there all day.


We headed back to Mendocino, to the Mendocino Cafe, for dinner. This was like, our one mistake of the whole trip. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't great. The guy at Pacific Star told us to get the Thai red curry bowls -- he actually said it was his favorite meal in town, hands down. He was like, "bring a towel! It's spicy!" Except, no it wasn't. Not even a little. I was bummed! It's all about expectation I suppose.

We were going to hit the town of Fort Bragg, but again ... we're boring now. Our bed sounded better. And we had a hot tub in our room! So we got in, watched the boats down below, then finally flipped on three hours of The Challenge followed by Teen Mom OG.

No one said we were classy.

At Pacific Star Winery, a little wind-blown.

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