Monday, April 13, 2015

Vaycay! Part 6

Sigh. ICYMI: Parts 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

We woke up in Eureka and were instantly excited for Trinidad! (And that's not just because Eureka was kind of a dump). But it was.

To rewind, one of my favorite coworkers has told me about Trinidad for quite some time. It's one of his favorite places in the whole state, and one of the best parts is like, just how empty it is. It's like you have the whole, roaring coastline to yourself.

Hey Trinidad!

So we just HAD to come see!

Gah, and it did NOT disappoint.

We rolled in about 11 a.m. My master itinerary -- here's the ONE PLACE I messed it up! -- said it would take another 2 hours or so from Eureka to reach Trinidad. Not sure what I was on, but in reality, it was like, 25 minutes away.

Pleasant surprise though!

So, we arrived earlier than expected. We weren't supposed to check in at the B&B until 4p, so we had some time. I wanted to see where the B&B was, so I suggested we go over there, park and wander.

Here's the spot.

OMG, right away! We had the best views. The B&B is directly across the street from this quaint lighthouse, and beneath the lighthouse are these steps leading right to the beach.

OK, timeout, I SAW A SNAKE. On the way down. And I wasn't cool about it either -- like, I panicked hard. I saw his body slithering in the brush next to me on the path, and I proceeded to lose my damn mind. I'm not sure if I've always been so freaked out by snakes? It's like, I'm not even scared of getting bitten, I just don't like the way they could spring out at you, with their weird, no-legged bodies and their gross skin and weird faces.


K, so once my heart rate returned to normal (took awhile), we continued on down to the beach. Like I said ... just breathtaking. One of the best views we'd seen so far, and that was really saying something!


 We were some of the only people down there, outside of a pack of fishing boats just offshore. Such a cool part of the country that I'm not sure enough people have visited. It's a weird dichotomy of peaceful and roaring. Super majestic though.

We walked around for a bit, climbed around on the rocks for a few different vantage points, then headed up to this restaurant around the corner. G got some clam chowder, I got the best crab sando of my life. I forget if it was the menu, or just us, or maybe the menu inspired us? But it went from a crab sandwich to a crab patty to a crabby patty to a crabby Moosh Patty, and that was my name the rest of the trip.

"Jimmer! I really want MSU to win tonight and I'm so scared and nervous and uwfyusagfhjasgfsh!"

"Stop being a crabby Moosh Patty and enjoy the game! They're gonna be fine!"

And so on.

For reference ... Michelle = Moosh. Patricia = Patty. My first and middle!

... But you know when your sando says "market price" on the menu, you should be warned.

I think my crabby Moosh Patty was $24. Whoops! Spendy lunch. Whatever. It was so delish! Green onions, big chunks of fresh crab, along with tomatoes and melty cheddar. On nice bread. I'd like one now, please.

We wine-tasted across the street to kill some more time and I made BFFs with the girl pouring -- she was fun and used to live in Tahoe. She recommended we head to Moonstone Beach next, so that's exactly what we did.

Moonstone was cool, but the water has risen in weird spots, so we couldn't really walk right up to the ocean. Still, we climbed around on the big rocks for at least an hour and found starfish, anenomes and mussels. Along with more seal/sea lion friends! I love those guys.


We checked into our B&B next, met the innkeeper, Jason, who was a little nervous but super nice and helpful. I'd never stayed at at B&B before, so that was cool. AND I had only signed us up for the cheapest room, but we got upgraded because there was a family who wanted to use the entire main house. G and I got the guest house, which was private and overlooked the ocean and ... just really adorbs.

This view is HORRIBLE, we'd like a refund please. No filter because duh.

We kicked off our shoes and lounged around for a few minutes, got ANOTHER wave of energy, and decided to walk over to do the Trinidad Head hike (it was cloudy. You couldn't see much from the top) -- and this is where I got my bunny video, Snapchat friends! -- then we came back to clean up for dinner around 7 or 8p.

Again, it was late -- we kept backing ourselves into these corners for mealtime! -- so basically our only option for dinner was Moonstone Grill. And we had to book it over there. No complaints, it was really yum. Maybe a touch out of our price range? But we kept it simple for the most part and didn't go too far over budget  : )

I think I ordered steak of some sort. James got tuna. Lots of bites traded.

We slept SO WELL that night. Trinidad was the best!

Some of the rocks we played on.

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