Thursday, October 30, 2014

Throwback Thursday, selfies, etc.

Sorry I'm not sorry ... but I love social media shit like this.

So many people love to complain about #tbt or selfies or too many political posts during election season (OK, that last one really might be a valid complaint), but like, no one is making you check your news feed or Twitter account every day, riiiiiiiiight? Keep scrolling if you're annoyed! The Internet is not all about you. /End rant.

-- But I still don't want to play Candy Crush or Cityville so you CAN stop inviting me anytime now, yaknow? I get actual notifications about that shit, which makes it a different story. -- 

[On a side note, I wish I could post a version of paragraph two to the people who comment on my TV station's SM accounts! Which I manage. Seriously, if I had $1 for every person who chimed in with "who cares," I could have retired years ago. Like, really guys? You don't care about what the president did today/who died in what car crash/what the weather will be like in Tahoe? KEEP SCROLLING, you awful, selfish people. So -- to all my millions of blog readers: If you've ever commented "who cares" on a professional organization's social media page, unfriend me now (wait, there are only 3 of you?)  And to anyone else -- Someone cared about that post and I think you're the worst.]

[And don't email us, either, about how BIAS we are. The word is biased. Let's get that straight first, then we can continue the chat]

OK. Now that that's out of the way, let's put up some m-f fun pics, righttttttt?

Because it's Throwback Thursday Halloween edition and I'm loving the shit out of everyone else's pics so I wanted to share some of my own.

We'll start with Corduroy. By the way, I consider myself a great speller and I just Googled "Corderoy" with an E. Google was like, "girlllllllll, did you mean to spell that shit correck? I gotchu."

My mom sent me about 50 pics too many of my Coey costume, so here goes --

Who smiles like that?
I'll be over here.

Look how covered up I was! What a prude. Also, California kids don't know how lucky they have it. It might rain tomorrow and people are losing their minds. Granted, it's 75 here today so that's a pretty big hit. But tonight, when my mom asked me what my favorite costume was (Belle, obvs), I was like, "ughhhh, I hated covering ALL the costumes in my jacket and winter shit."

Me and Leese Geese

She was like, "No, you REALLY had to cover up the year of the Egyptian costume. Was that the time it rained and I got pneumonia?" I was all, "Yeah, as if there were just ONE year we had to bundle up!" Urrrry year, yo.

[Honorable mentions go out to my Princess outfit (I capitalized because this wasn't just any old basic princess, this was Mario's girl), the aforementioned Egyptian and the poodle skirt costume.]

Oh, and I'll throw in a pic with my BFF Jessie who I always thought was the coolest and most sophisticated friend EVER! She always got to wear exciting sparkly outfits and I looked like some kind of LL Bean/Little House on the Prarie dick, complete with braids and plaid.

Jessie is COVERED IN LEAVES and I can still tell she looks cooler than me. Do I spy some kind of leotard? Damn, mom. I lose again.

So, then I grew up and the costumes got sluttier. Because life.

Is it scary that this was 10 YEARS AGO?
Fast-forward to 2007. I had some more poor/college costumes in between, I'm sure. Just no photographic evidence on hand, TFG.

This was us before the night got sloppy. Michelle was a present and I was a Bronco because why not? And because we lived in Colorado Springs. I found that jersey for $1 at the Salvation Army and paired it with Spandex and tennies. Pretty comfy, actually. Drew in my eye marks with some liner, took some cactus juice shots because we were 21.

And the night ended with a frozen pizza, prepared AT THE BAR, and then an earlier-than-usual stumble back to the Olympic Training Center. Best interns ever.

Michelle, while chain-smoking cigarettes, liked to tell people that we lived at the OTC because we were some of the actual athletes. Between sips of Captain/diet (her) and vodka/tonic (me), we explained that she was a figure skater and I was a skier. I mean, seemed probable enough -- no?

And no, I'm not dressing up tomorrow. I'll prly buy a bag of KitKats just in case we get trick-or-treaters -- or because KitKats are f'ing delicious -- and lay low because I'm old.

Maybe one day I'll have a little Corduroy to dress up! (With a U, not an E). But certainly not tomorrow.

So let's cheers a pumpkin beer to #tbt and Halloween! And how to act appropriately online. (And hey, I said I liked your selfies). 

I want to see your costumes so I can comment WHO CARES! Jk jk jk!

Monday, October 27, 2014

All the little things I'm loving -- Part 2

I'm having a hard time blogging lately because WERKKKK.

Is so crazy.

Between projects and next week's election and all of the breaking news ... I am just like, spent. And the workflow is not letting up anytime soon, so.

Another post on all the little things!


I've always been partial to a good headband, but then I saw a pic -- and I don't even think it's a recent pic! -- of Blake Lively wearing a headband and it was perfect.
Fashion-wise, she can do no wrong. OK, edit, LIFE-WISE, she can do no wrong. Cutest preggo person I've ever seen. Ryan Reynolds. Enough said. Anyway, it was a total "I saw Cady Heron wearing army pants and flip flops, so I bought army pants and flip flops," moment, but I'm not sorry. Today I was looking a little too "she could be a FARMER in those clothes," so I threw on a sparkly headband and crisis averted, yo.

I fully intend to dig up all my college headbands and start rocking them in full force this fall.*
*Note: It's still like, 70s here. Sigh.


I think I've discussed: I can't have a dog. I work too much, and for like, 9-12 hours at a time. And as much as I would truly love a puppy, I think he might deserve a better life than I have to offer right now. (Not to mention a backyard). But when I saw a posting near the apartment mailboxes to help watch someone else's puppy?! I was all in. Today was our first day together! Basically, I go to this girl's apartment every day at noon and play with baby puppy. He's a beagle and only a few weeks old and he wants to chew on everything. 

Sit still, please, BP!
But I get paid and the cleanup is minimal and I'm really excited so far! He has an ugly name, so from here on out, he will continue to go by BABY PUPPY.


We went on a super hard one a few weeks ago! And now I want to do it again Saturday -- maybe Soda Springs this time. I honestly live in the prettiest part of the country and I don't know how long I'll stay so ... let's keep living it up on the hike front, yo. (Although I really should get proper shoes. I nearly killed myself in my slippery Pumas at Squaw a few weeks back).

Don't ask if we ever found Shirley Lake.


Doesn't get old! Especially wins over Michigan. I'm obsessed with these Sparties. And Mark Dantonio. Boys, please win in two weeks. Puh-leeeeeeeease!


I bought a new bed! I think I've mentioned this, too. It was about triple what I wanted to spend, but I haven't regretted this decision for one second. It's so magical. Am I wasting CRAZY time in the mornings lately? Yep. I need to teach myself how to get out of that thing.

Right when it was delivered! New frame and everything : )

But like ... I haven't slept this well in years. I was in an old bed I bought on Craigslist since college. This purchase was approximately 8723413467 years overdue.


Does this make me basic? I haven't lived near a B Dubs in ages, but now I do! And all I want to do is eat spicy garlic wings every day after work.


I caved! We knocked out Orange is the New Black in about 10 seconds, and now we're on House of Cards. Which is a liiiiiiiiiittle over my head, politically, but like, it's still so addicting and good and KEVIN SPACEY. I want to be Kate Mara.

AND WAS I THE LAST PERSON TO GET ON BOARD WITH MODERN FAMILY? (This has been a blog post of yelling, and for that I'm really sorry).

When I've had a bad or particularly stressful day at work, all I want to do is go home and binge-watch like, six MFs. I laugh out loud. (And I neverrrrr LOL at TV). Everyone is cast so well. Phil is just ... omg wonderful. I've even teared up a few times. Can't stop. Won't stop.

**Oh, and Lena Dunham's book. I like it a lot so far, but I feel mixed about several elements here. I'll report back soon.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Apple Hill inspo! Chicken salad sammies.

I love a good chicken salad sammy. But too often, if you order one out, restaurants and bakeries will put weird stuff in there! Grapes, raisins, some kind of nut, too much celery ... BLECK.

But I ate the best chicken salad sammy at Apple Hill this weekend (full AH post coming soon!) 

But before I ordered it, I even asked the 16-year-old at the counter, "this doesn't have anything STRANGE in it, right?"


So I recreated it this morning! A big batch, actually. With a few tweaks.

Here's what I put in: (eyeballed all my ingredients, didn't measure a thing, tasted as I went).

--About a half of a rotisserie chicken, shredded
--4-5 hard-boiled eggs, peeled obvi, then mashed up
--Mayo (the real stuff, NOT Miracle Whip, gag me).
--Spicy brown mustard
--1/2 or so an avocado
--Some banana peppers for crunch/tang
-- Lawry's seasoning salt + pepper

Anddddd I plan to do several things with this mixture!

--Throw it in a lettuce wrap-type creation (with a little sriracha on top).
--Throw it on toast (with a little sriracha on top). <-- This was actually my breakfast today, don't judge.
--SAMMY (with a little sriracha on top).
--Eat it out of the bowl, likely hovering over my sink (with a little sriracha on top, if I had to guess).

I would post a picture but ... it looks like vom. #srynotsry

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Makeup Forever. I should basically buy stock.

Forever, forever ever, fah eva eva?


To rewind, I have problem skin. I have since like, sixth grade. Story of my life. It went away for a brief moment in college, and then came back with a vengeance when I graduated. Adult acne is super cute. Thanks, genes!

For the time being, I've actually found a spot treatment/face wash combo that's kept my acne mostly at bay. Mostly. Someone better give the memo to the visitor on my chin, though. He's a painful one.


Acne probz have meant I've spent my lifetime wearing an F-ton of concealer. Thick, heavy, liquid concealer. When I was younger -- and therefore worse at blending, with 0 makeup budget -- I didn't even care that you could tell I was wearing 10 pounds of makeup. I'd rather look heavy-handed than red, splotchy and infested [gross word, sorry]. 

So, over the years I've definitely gotten better at blending my makeup, finding the right brands for my skin type and color-matching.

But the need for foundation never really went away.

Untilllllllll I found this Makeup Forever compact. It's my desert-island product. Like, if I were stranded -- even if I were alone -- I'd take this.

Do you like my professional photography skills?
It was probably 2009 when I first read a review online. The compact sounded too good to be true. It's like, a combo foundation/powder ... but more like a powder ... but thick enough where you shouldn't need to wear anything underneath ... but light enough that people don't think you're wearing a makeup mask. What? Is this real life?!

So here's the deal. You go to Sephora and you find the Makeup Forever section. Flag down an employee and ask to get color-matched. (They do this all day, I prom-prom it's not weird). The Sephora expert will help you find the compact that's just right for your coloration -- I'm #117, also known as PALE AS F -- and you purchase it. The only bummer part is, I think it's like, $36+tax. And if you're anything like me, you'll go through maybe one a month. Buttttt #worthit.

The best part is, this is all you need on your skin! It covers up uneven skin tone and imperfections -- it's like magic. And OK, I'll admit that sometimesssss I've snuck on a little foundation underneath if I have a particularly mean or aggresive zit, but that's usually just if I'm feeling extra self-conscious. When I'm taking off my makeup at the end of the day, I'm usually like, you did NOT need that extra layer. You were not fooling anyone. 

It's just taken me years to get used to the fact that one product really will fix it all.

So, Makeup Forever. I don't know what I'll do if they ever stop making this thing. All you need is a layer or two and boom -- no shine, no grease, clear-looking skin.

You're welcome!

Can you tell I got a manicure for this shot?