Monday, April 11, 2016

4 months!

OK, four months is officially THEEEEEEEE CUTEST AGE.

Obvi, Ana was cute the day she was born (although, James thinks it took a few hours. I did not). AG was cute at a week old, a month old, two months old, etc. etc. etc.

But four months? Four months. Is the best!

My sweet baby girl.

I look back at her old pics (lol, "old pics," they're from like, 90 days ago), and it's like, she wasn't even half as adorable as she is now -- now that she has a little personality (err, BIG personality), and she's filled out a bunch, and smiles at you and laughs constantly. She's so easygoing and happy. I just love her with my whole heart and soul!

Is this trend going to continue? The cuteness, I mean?

Well, until like, middle school? I already cannot handle it. I look at her in the mornings, and it's like, HOW.


K, I'll take a few plays off. The gushing is out of control. But really. How did we make such a sweet baby?

Here's what's up lately:

The bouncer

The bouncer! We played in there twice today. One day last week, she spent a full hour straight in there. Do you know how long an hour is, in baby time?

Anyway, our bouncer is one of those bouncy things (not to overwhelm you with technical terms) you attach to a door frame, and let Anzy putz around in. I think I mentioned it in the 3-month update, when we purchased the thing.

At first, she just liked sitting independently, but she didn't really get it. I put her in there like, once a day, and tried to help her put two and two together ... but it didn't really CLICK till maybe a week or so ago. And now, she goes HAM in there! It's so cute to watch.

She continues to love standing. So this thing is perfect. Also, sometimes I hold her feet off the ground and use it as a swing, and she just giggles and giggles. Her laughs are maybe my favorite sound ever.

One of the rare pics where I actually think she looks like me!

She's sleeping in her room for most of the night!

YEP. We were bed-sharing for awhile (judge away, but sorry we're not sorry), but I mostly wanted to cut back because of how it was impacting MY sleep. (Selfish, I know). Don't get me wrong, we'd have nights where she was the sweetest, most cuddliest, loviest baby of all time ... and I'd be all, "I love co-sleeping and I never want to stop!" James said he loved coming home to it, too -- me and Anz all snuggled up together in the warm bed. But yeah, most nights it was like, AG managing to turn herself sideways, with James and I clinging to 5% (each) while Ana took up the other 90.

Like, how does a baby so small manage that?

So, it got old. Now, I'm putting her down in the Pack 'n Play at around 10 each night. She was resisting it at first, but then I read somewhere online that you should try putting a piece of clothing in there with her -- something that smells like either mom or dad. So yeah, a pretty worn-down Golden State T-shirt has been doing the job ever since. I mean, maybe it's BS? Maybe she just got used to the Pack 'n Play? But ... weird coincidence that when I finally tried the shirt trick, she's gone down no problem ever since.

It's actually really cute. I'll go in there some nights and she'll be cuddling with it. Crazy, right?

I've tried the crib instead of the P&P a few times ... but it's hard, because of the sides on the crib -- well, I can't lower Ana to the mattress as easily. So sometimes she startles, and wakes up a bit.

Another time, the mattress itself just seemed to have a bit too much bounce ... and that ruined everything.

Whatever, right? The crib will come with time. Just having her in another room, sleeping on her own is a pretty big win. She'll usually wake up around 5 or 6a, take a quick bottle + diaper change, then go back to sleep with us till 10 or 11 ... even noon. Like I said last time, TFG that baby is an awesome sleeper.

And if she falls asleep in the car seat, like on a drive back from RO Wednesday, I definitely leave her in there!

Because what baby doesn't need a taffeta dress?
This baby is happiest ...

In just her diaper. Basically, she hates clothes. I mean, HATE might be a strong word, but like, if she's fussing, a pretty fool-proof plan is just to undress her.

So cute. I mean, too bad, because I now have 9,000 cute outfits for her, but there's just something about (nearly) naked baby that I love so much.

She's very happy, overall. I feel so lucky!

People always ask, like, "is she really as happy as she seems in pictures?"


If she's really upset, it's a tummy issue (needs to eat, or tummy is hurting/needs to get some burps out). She doesn't spit up much. Her burps and gas are that of a 300-pound dude. But yeah, not much mystery behind her cries. She doesn't cry without purpose. Ana is very easy to figure out.

Sweet snuggles with papa.

We (finally) went to the doctor!

You guys, this is huge. We had been uninsured for awhile, waiting for James' coverage to kick in. But it's here, it's on, and Ana is perfectly healthy. We do have a physical therapy appointment set up for later this week, but it's probably just a one- or a two-time thing. AG just needs to learn some neck exercises so that she doesn't keep favoring one side (which she does right now when she lays flat). But no bigs! Just better that we correct it now, rather than waiting until later in life.

What else ... getting her vaccinated was TOUGH. I mean, not the decision or anything, I'm not f'ing crazy. But like, they had James hold her arms down, and I held her legs ... then they did like, three at once, and she burst into tears, I burst into tears; we were a wreck.

(I knew she'd be fine, that was just my reaction! I had no idea I'd be so upset. Her lip quivered, her tears came on STRONG, and the next thing I knew, mine did, too). James took us out to Coney afterward to recover.


The doctor asked if I wanted to do some vaxing now, more later, or what I had in mind. I asked her what she recommended, and she was just like, let's catch her up.

So that we did!

Ana hadn't been seen by a doctor since she was 2 weeks old. So needless to say, we were a bit behind schedule.

I do like this pediatrician though. When I was pregnant, I'd always be like, "I went on Google the other day, watched a video of that crazy thing where they try to flip a breach baby, and that shit's cray, please don't do that to me!" And my midwife would always be like, "yo B, stay off the Internet!"

I mean, she was kidding, but she was also like, leave things to the professionals. Don't freak yourself out. Stop watching YouTube videos. (At least, that was the tone).

But this pediatrician WANTS her patients to do their own research and look stuff up, and play a pretty active role in the decision-making. She was like, "what are you thinking about solids? Should we do the shots now or later? What are you doing about the rat-tail?"*

*JK on that last one.

But yeah, I was pleasantly surprised! I'm a Googler by nature, so I was just like, "cool that you'll approve solids as soon as four months, but she's not showing any of the signs, I'mma hold off. We'll talk about it next time though, sound good?"

The torticollis discussion kind of dominated the appointment, but we'll be back in June for our next one. It just feels goooooood to know we're covered from here on out!

Looking like a little worker girl in Aunt Liz's overalls!

We also went to Rochester.

New York, my Michigan friends, NY. I've told a few people, "downtown Rochester is cute!" And they're all, "I know, haven't you been there a bunch though?"

Rochester, Michigan is about 10-15 minutes from Royal Oak, you see.

ANYWAY, Rochester, NY was fun. It was only like, a six-hour car ride? We probably could have done it in five, but we made several stops along the way. We drove out there after James got outta work, a few Fridays ago. I stayed up with him the whole drive because I'm insane, too. But really, we kind of preferred driving overnight. We took a little nap-ski upon arrival, and we were fine. I mean, what's the alternative? Driving really early Saturday morning? Not on our schedule; it's just easier to stay up a few extra hours.

Ana and Grandma Carolyn

We cut through Canada, and stayed through Monday morning. Fun to have Easter with the Ganleys.

Ana was her sweet self. I was nervous she'd start to have a bit of stranger anxiety? But yeah, it's a little early for that. She was giggling and babbling with everyone, which made me so happy. We crammed a lot in one weekend! And Dinosaur BBQ made my life. Seriously, if you're ever in the area, just do it.

We're going back next month (in late May) for Liz's wedding shower, and then in July for the actual wedding. Nice to have Rochester so close!

A rare shot of us together! Stolen off my Snap : )
Developmentally ...

Girlfriend is kicking up a LOT of drool. This could be the start of teething! She is obsessed with her mouth. If you hand her something, she'll grip it -- then bring it right to her mouth. She's hit herself in the face with some of her harder toys, so we're sticking to all the soft stuff for awhile.

She's chewing on her paci, her fingers, her outfit, my fingers, the side of her changing table, etc. etc. etc. Basically, anything she can get her hands on.

She's making more sound than ever (said that last time, still true), and the laughs are only getting bigger and better. It's really funny -- something might make her crack up hysterically one day, then you'll repeat the same phrase the next day, and she's over it. Or she'll just look at you like you're insane.

Her dimple SLAYS.

She knows to put one foot in front of the other if you kinda maneuver her around. Still loves to hold her own weight, and would rather be "standing" when she's on your lap. She's super active. Only naps for like, 20-minute increments (with occasional exceptions).

Probably due to all the solid sleeping at night!

She's insane. Ana gets so riled up just from like, chatting with her stuffed animals. We do a lot of dancing and a lot of singing -- some of it peaceful and baby-approps, some of it better suited for Rick's or PT's, to Lil Wayne or Wu Tang.

Oh, and we're still killin tummy time.

Her 2T T-shirt ... see below!
Random odds and ends

Rachael and I took her to Birch Run and went a little cray! She's so fun to shop for. At this point, I'm buying stuff SO big! 12-18 months at least, and I think I went even bigger on some of her summer-y outfits from Osh Kosh B'gosh.

Might as well! We still have a while before the warm weather arrives officially. This is NOT California anymore. In fact, it was the coldest Tigers game on record (the one that James and I went to on Saturday).

My mom even got Ana some Tigers Ts that were ... wait for it ... 2T. And one already fits. I have a ginormous baby.

Don't even get me started on Old Navy. Those sizes make no sense.

What else -- Syracuse featured Ana on its social media accounts before the Final Four game! Gah I was so pumped.

Snapchat has been the best for sharing quick video clips and pics. It's really fun to document our days, even if they're a touch slow!

I'm finishing up the final stages to qualify for this freelance editing job. I know I don't have to work, but I want to. It's just who I am. I miiiiiight look into another possibility, but I'm not going to write about it on here until I know more. Getting to stay home with Analisa has been the best, and I'm still not looking into daycares. Lately, I just have this overwhelming urge to pay off my credit cards/James' student loans, and really save for a house. What if there was a way I could make a little extra on the side, without having to pass off AG? Stay tuned.

And also ... any other relatively new moms out there? Wash your hair every now and again. I say this not at all in a judging way. It's just a reminder I need to apply to my own life every so often, so I thought I'd spread the message. It's way too easy to let three, four, seven days go by without any shampoo. I got fully showered (and even shaved my legs!) AND applied makeup for the Tigers game. And it felt really spectacular. I think I need to get after it a bit more often.

Seeeeeee you next month!

I'll have to let you know how Ana does with PUPPIES. Robby andddd my parents have Bernese mountain dogs joining the family! We meet them on Saturday and I'm so so excited!