Tuesday, May 23, 2017

17 months!

Analisa is the funniest, happiest little girl. We just love her more and more every day! We're constantly like, "She's big! No, she's HUGE. When did she grow up? How is she this little person all of a sudden?"

She marches around with her own plan, giving herself little jobs, tasks and assignments ... it's the cutest. SHE is the all-time cutest.


At my parents' last weekend, she was just like, moving cups around in the pantry. Taking one stack, then splitting up all the cups, then lining them up. Then re-stacking, then moving the stacks, then seeing where they would fit elsewhere in the pantry, etc.  Little stuff like that! Oh and she LOVES coloring: examining all her crayons, picking colors, "drawing," everything involved. What a lady.

And now with Grandbob.

I think it was last month when I questioned if we were having some sleep issues. Nah, not really. She fought her naps for maybe a week or so, and I was all, "How will I handle life without an Ana nap?" And then I blinked and she was napping again. I guess I hear about 18-month sleep regression, so maybe it was that. Who knows. She's back to normal! I will say, she's trending earlier when it comes to nigh-nigh time and wakeups.

She gets up between 7:30 and 8:30, while it used to be between 8:30 and 9:30. James and I are still trading off weekday mornings, for the most part, although we like getting up as a family from time to time. We cross our fingers like crazy on our respective mornings, like, "8:30, cmonnnn 8:30!" (That's me praying she'll roll over and go back to sleep if I hear her first squawks at 7:30). She's still very happy in the mornings. She sings to herself, we'll watch a bit of cartoons in our bed, and then she's ready to play, play, play.

Ana just like, GETS it. I feel like she understands SO many more words than she can say. You can refer to the list from last month -- she's still mostly hung up on those, with only a few additions.

Our sitter Emily has heard "mon!" As in, a variation on "c'mon!" when Ana wants her to follow. James swears Ana said "I see you!" (which I say to her alllll the time), clear as day. Oh, and I taught her "ha-ha!" Which she loves to say very sarcastically.

Oh and she added "YES!" : )   (Rarely used). And 'ome. (Like home).


The other night -- going on a tangent, brb -- I was giving her a bath and she splashed me in the face. I don't even think SHE realized how big the splash was going to be! And I said to myself, in this serious but sarcastic way, "Dare you to do it again." And she got so excited. She did it again. And then I was all, "Do it again!" like a challenge. I swear, in a minute, she was screaming laughing. I laughed so hard there were tears. It was like an inside joke, and it's moments like those that I just cannot get enough of. I want to remember them for all time.

Ana's really turning into a daddy's girl. Do I say that too often? I mean, she ALWAYS loves on him, loves getting thrown on the bed by him, getting walked around the house upside-down by him, etc. But it definitely took her awhile to say da-da. Nowwww she says it constantly. And she'll find like, a piece of his laundry or something of his, and say, "DA-DA." Yesterday was Monday and I swear, she was a little confused as to why he wasn't around, after a full weekend of hanging out.  :(

We took her to Birch Run on Sunday and I got her like, an entire summer wardrobe for next to nothing. I know everyone thinks she has 9,000 pieces of clothing, but you'd be surprised. I went through her stuff from last summer and couldn't salvage much, despite the fact that I typically buy big. I think she had only 2 pairs of shorts that still fit, and one was hot pink and the other an aggressive polka-dot blue. We needed shorts, more PJs, casual tops, sandals, a new bathing suit or two ... and man, did we ever score. I actually added up what her lot would have retailed for at real stores, and it was about $350 worth of clothes. I slay at sales.

She was so cute at the outlets, hiding in the racks and "finding" mommy. Then she'd do this big wave once I caught her eye.

Loving the Birch Run pony.

What else? Ana loves yelling and will just let it rip. It's all babble and you can't make out a word, but James thinks it's the funniest thing. She's very insistent on what she's yelling and I wish I knew what she was saying!

She still lovvvvves outside. The weather's been a little nicer lately! It was like, HOT a week or two ago, but it cooled back down and now it's finally trending nicer again. I can't wait to put her in all her summer rompers and bathing suits and hats.


We're going up north with my extended family at the end of June, almost directly followed by a trip to Rochester. We didn't mean to plan the vacations so close in proximity to one another, but that's the way things fell. I was just glad James and I could get all the time off on relatively short notice.

Otherwise, it's been a busy month for our fam. I'm about to fill in this Sunday for my third Sunday in recent weeks ... which is a bit of a haul. Working Sundays solo is so crazy. But I've had coworkers off, so you gotta do what you gotta do! I'm forever thankful for having a partner like James to play with the bear when I have to fire up my laptop on a rare weekend day.

We have a new Friday sitter as well. Her name is Sarah and she seems great! She's only worked a few Fridays for us so far, but I can tell I really like her. Ana likes her, too! Goodness, it really takes a village. I don't know where I'd be without Emily, Sarah, James, my parents ... the list goes on.

Happy little friend.

Here's a final story: James was asking Ana a few weeks ago, "Analisa, where's the ball? Where's the ball, Ana?" and she wasn't finding it. But then she finally spotted it a few minutes later, when she was looking for some other toy, and she turned to James, points to the ball and goes, "Ohhhhhhh! Ahhhhh." She even bopped herself on the head. And her tone was just like, "Duh! There it was the whole time, not even hiding!" Smart girl.

She's also big on petting my hair and saying "Mama. Mama. Mama." It's so sweet, except it has a flip side. When she's mad, she puts on an extremely hurt face and goes, "Mama NO. Mama NO. Mama NO." Sorry for letting you down, bear bear.

Can you believe she's halfway to 2? I certainly cannot.

These are the happiest days.

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