Not every Friday, but let's try for every other? K, it's a date.
Ana, 2 1/2 -- and Robs, nearly 6 months |
Ah, I was dyinggg earlier over the cuteness of Analisa's little voice. She doesn't just talk in sentences these days -- they're paragraphs at this point. She was all, "Let's find Tinky-Winky. He in the garage! I left him in my pink car car. C'mon, Mama! Let's do it! Get yo shoes!"
And then at the table on our back deck this morning, she was all, "I am sitting with Mama and Dada! We are all sitting together! Mama sit, Dada sit, Ana sit, Baby Wa-boot sit!"
I could not be more proud of that big, loving, SWEET sister.
Other lol-worthy sentences she's said:
"It's simply impossible!" <--- OK, Peppa Pig. LMK.
"I remember going to Meese and Bob's yesterday!" <--- Which, debatable. She knows "yesterday" refers to "in the recent past," but sometimes she's a bit off. She'll be like, "Dada, we went to farmers market yesterday!" And I'm like, "errrrr, nah we didn't."
But she gets the idea!
She's known her ABCs and how to count to 20 for the past year now (no exaggeration -- I was watching vacation videos from last June, and I have her on tape, doing all of the above), so anyway, I'm trying to teach her how to count past 20. Oh, and she's been realllllllly into her books lately, especially Little Blue Truck (called "Blue One Truck!") and Pout-Pout. Lately, she likes reciting all the words along with me, and it's just so surreal. I swear, I was reading those books to a tiny Anz just the other day. Now she's all, "Hey Mr. Fish, you kaleidoscope of mope! How 'bout a smile? A little joy? A little hope?" I mean, she doesn't really pronounce all those words THAT well, but you feel me.
It's really hard to believe we'll be picking out a pre-school in another year or so!
She's been using the potty. Definitely not every time, and she's still wearing a diaper for the most part. (We tried underwear for about an hour on Wednesday, but she flipped out a bit).
But it kind of started on Tuesday. She told us she needed to pee, and she peed! And then she's done it again about every day since. Just once or twice a day, but it's definitely a start! We were kind of at a stalemate there for a bit. It was like, she was into the concept of the potty. She loved reading Princess of the Potty. She loved sitting on the potty, fully clothed, and pretending. But whenever I tried to take her diaper off, she got all, "nopety nopety nopety NAH." And I wasn't trying to force the issue, because I heard it can become an ever bigger issue if you push it before they're truly ready.
An aside: I hate when people get all, "Well, she won't be using a diaper when she's in college!"
Like, thanks a lot, SHARON, but there's still some middle ground between 2 and COLLEGE, so I'd like her to get there eventually.
It doesn't mean you shouldn't try, just because like, COLLEGE.
Plus, it'll be super nice when we only have to buy diapers for one of our babes.
OMG, she asked us for some privacy today in the bathroom, and I just listened to her from the other side of the door. She was honestly talking to her stuffed friends, like, "I'm a big girl now!" <--- A line from her potty book. She is so funny when she plays. She just babbles, and it's totally stuff that we tell her. "No, Blue. You're making a mess. We don't like messes! ... Careful with the baby! ... Shhh, it's OK, baby. Baby is SEEPING!"
She is such a mama to Robs. I announced to the living room the other day, "I'm going to put Robs down for a nap!" And Ana was ALL like, "No, he need a bottle first!"
Like, OK. Tell me, girl!
Ugh I could just eat her up.
Speaking of Mr. Robby James!
He is just the most precious guy ever. He is so sweet and so happy, like, he just wants to snuggle and be held, and walk around and coo at things. He does a lot of "talking" for his age, I think. Lately he's big on da-da-da-da (because of course). Oh, and he has the same crinkly smile that Ana rocked at that age. Still so many similarities between them.
He's learning the world through his mouth these days -- seriously, pulling EVERYTHING up to chew on. Poor guy is a teething monster. I've been giving him ibuprofen for some relief. Hope it's helping!
He also likes to climb whoever's holding him, kind of like a tree. It's so funny. He's just an excited guy! He wants to wiggle and see the world.
Andddd I think it'll be time to eat soon! As in, real food. Gotta figure out if we're gonna try to borrow the high chair from my parents', or if we should just buy a second one for our house. Glad it's garage sale season!
I'm excited to give Robs some snacks. Gonna do BLW again because it's just so much easier than baby food or purees or any of that bullshit.
Robs is on the brink of sitting up, unassisted. And man, for someone who can't quite crawl yet, bruh definitely gets around. I'll drop him on his tummy while I grab something from the kitchen, come back, and he's across the room. He just kinda worms his way all over the place. He's so big and strong!
And Robby loves Ana back. You can tell already! He just follows her around the room with his eyes. Tell me you saw the Snap or Instastory from yesterday where Ana was pushing him in his door-jumper. OMG, he was half-terrified, half loving it.
We're gonna go sailing soon! I won't tell you when, because that's when people break into your house, but can you believe Ana's never even been on my parents' boat? That first summer we were back in Michigan, I just feel like she was too small, or maybe I was overwhelmed, or nervous about her Pack n Play having nowhere to go. (Boat's a little narrow for it). And then last summer we were just busy. But I finally feel like we're in a spot where we can enjoy! Plus, the Dock-a-Tot will be clutch if we wanna put Robs down below for a nap. No need to set up the P&P! I think I just need a life-jacket for the little guy and we'll be all set.
On the US front, I'm finally starting to wean, which is nice, lifestyle-wise. I said my goal was 6 months, and it's hard to believe, but we'll be there next week. I've also gotten out running a bunch more lately, mostly because Can, Nats and I committed to a race later this summer, and I was scared I'd be unprepared. I did just under 5 miles yesterday, which is the longest I've completed in ... years? It was tough, but do-able! Kinda took a week or 2 off for a work trip to Orlando.
So yeah. All is good over here! I just made a list of things to accomplish around the house this summer. And it finally FEELS like summer, which is nice (well, when I'm not running). Can you believe I still haven't really set up Robby's room? I see these moms on FB who are like, "slacker status! The baby will be here in a few weeks and we're JUST finishing up his room!"
I'm like, you wanna see slacker status? My babe is 6 months and he's still sleeping in my home office.
K, I'm outta here!