Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sparty Jell-O!

Have you guys seen those NCAA-themed Jello molds?

Who would buy those?

 ... I woulddddddd!

I actually bought one for my Mizzou-loving coworker, as well. They're $7.99 apiece on Amazon, so not a huge investment! You get two trays, four packets of Jell-O and some instructions.

 I can't imagine myself making plain old (ew, green-flavored) Jell-O.  But Jell-O shots? Those I can get behind. Maybe I'll even pack some for the MSU-Oregon game! It appears we're road-tripping north next month -- what a great way to make some fast new Sparty friends.

Definitely one of my newest and most ridiculous favorite things.

What a great Amazon delivery. (I got season one of "Orange is the New Black" too! Because I'm the only person on the planet without Netflix apparently, and I can't stand to be left out of a conversation).

 This is my work desk! Two calendars, two beverages and way too many lists.

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