Sunday, August 10, 2014

The new sched!

I realize it's only day one of the new schedule, but I have a feeling it's about to be one of my favorite things!

So, as of today, I'm now working Sunday through Thursday instead of Monday through Friday.

Here's why I like it: It's familiar. This was my schedule the entire time at WOOD, so I remember the benefits. Having Friday off is almost better than having Sunday off (well, ask me again when the NFL season starts and I might be singing a different tune).

But anywayyyyy, at KCRA I've been working Fridays 11:30a-8:30p and it has felt like the longest day ever. I begged for a switch. Coming in at 11:30a meant wrapping up morning things, and then working UNTIL 8:30p meant starting up nightside things. With everything in between. Then I'd usually get home, relax for a hot second, then finish up the nightside work -- which basically just meant I was working 11:30a to 11:30p. On a FRIDAY.  News, man. I wish we could just flip the switch OFF sometimes. Especially online. People with 9-5 desk jobs, be thankful. People who don't have to work holidays, be thankful!

Also, Team Digital was pretty overstaffed on Fridays. We had all five of us in the newsroom, meaning I spent a solid amount of time looking for projects and scrolling TMZ.

So, off to the Sunday schedule I went! It's nice actually. No management is here. I'm typing this on my dinner break, and I've been very productive today. My schedule switch will also be a nice change of pace for the on-call web person (read: me or Shawn) -- in that we won't have to deal with working Sundays. Web on-call basically means you work the entire time from home. I'm not going to lie: It sucks.

But this weekend was lovely. I left work around 11p Thursday, came home and was inspired to watch a movie. This is incredibly unlike me. I never want to watch movies. But nothing was on my DVR, so I ordered the $5.99 On-Demand "Wolf of Wall Street" and thought to myself, yolo, bitches!

Maybe I'd finish it Friday. I poured some wine, got into my sweats and curled up on my couch.

Orrrrrrr maybe I'd stay awake until 5a, finishing the movie and then reading "Sharp Objects." (Once I made it past 3a, I was upppp). Might have been a bad decision, but I had nothing urgent to do the next day.

By the way, Wolf of WS was excellent. I can't imagine anyone having played that lead as well as Leo. And I'm not even a huge Leo fan. Jonah Hill and Margot Robbie were so so good, too!

I proceeded to sleep till 11:30a Friday, then got my ass to noon yoga.

It had been a few weeks away from the bikram studio, so it was hard! But in a good way. I was so sore the next few days. (Still am, really. I curse the leg series).

So, after that, I came home, took a shower, went HAM on my teeth (flossed, used my pre-brush whitening mouthwash, Crest Stripped, shined 'em up with baking soda), took a break on the couch (watching Kardashians, Botched and Fashion Police), then tidied up the apartment. Walked to Sandwich Spot for my new fav sammy, changed into a cute outfit, then before I knew it, my fav person to share weekends with was home!

We lounged for a bit. Strolled over to Karma for the cinnamon sangria. Tried a beer at University of Beer next door, then nommed some Thai Canteen, which is quickly becoming a Midtown favorite (blog entry is coming!) Walked back home, watched a Veep or two on the couch, then both fell asleep relatively early.

I woke up Saturday to all the major news outlets sending me push notifications on President Obama speaking live on the sitch in Iraq. I was like, "arghhhhhhhhhh, REALLY, Obamz?! It's so early on the Best Coast!"  Can't the comments wait?

Despite the fact that it was like, 6:55a, I got up, popped a livestream to the site, pushed it on social media and worked from bed for two or so hours. Obama said his piece and finally let me go back to sleep.

So I did -- until noon, which is when I really started my Saturday. 

Car shopping was up first (for him, not me), which was really just a test of my patience. It was hot outside and someone was unimpressed with the entire process. Didn't like anything. I tried to be as helpful as possible. Finally, we found a winner at Carmax. And he picks it up in a few days. Success, right? "Michelle, stop saying that it's cute. I don't actually want it to be 'cute,' so please."

Quick trip to Sephora, quick bite to eat, quick Ulta run and then grocery shopping. We got home like, eight hours later and I was exhausted. We were going to make salmon and broccolini for dinner, but neither of us ended up being that hungry. So I ate ice cream on the couch, read some more and then fell asleep by 10:30p. I'm just killing my late 20s with excitement, I know.

Sunday morning involved another late sleep-in (I swear, I crash like I'm in high school still), a trip to the bakery for more sammy bread (and a doughnut!), a Starbs run and an hour of CNN before work.

I arrived here right after 2p, feeling like I had a pretty solid weekend. Didn't that feel long?! I'm still gonna make some homemade spaghetti sauce for the week once I get out of here. So productive, right? New weekends = best weekends.


  1. I'm loving that you basically laid out everything you did minus taking a shit. No but seriously! I am so nosey and love to see other peoples schedules! I have to say as jealous that I am of you not working Friday I can not work past 430pm or I die. Literally, I crawl into the fetal position and die!

    1. I'm the same way! I love "day in the life" posts and just like, weekend recaps and stuff like that. So nosy but why not?
