But at the end of the day, I don't want to be wrestling my eye makeup off. I feel like tugging at the skin around the eyes is probably damaging as F. So I test out eye-makeup removers like it's my job. (That would be a really fun full-time job, actually).
So, I can whip through a packet of those wipes in a couple weeks, and not to be cheap, but it sucks that some of those packs are like, $10-12. Are they $10-12 in Michigan? (Why do I get the feeling EVERYTHING is more expensive in California?)
So, trying to be all economical and shit, I started buying the liquid remover (thinking it'd be cheaper in the long run), but then I realized I'm less likely to take off my makeup at all if I have to scrounge around for cotton balls or something else to use with the liquid. Sorry! At the end of the day, I'm exhausted. I've usually had a 10-hour workday, some hot yoga and a glass of wine under my belt by 2 a.m. or whenever I get in bed. (Not in that order). And yes, I realize that statement makes me sound like every 20-something girl everywhere. And moms everywhere are rolling their eyes. My life isn't that hard, I know. (But I'm still tired).
Butttttttt as I was saying, as a 27-year-old, I feel like I HAVE to stay in the habit of removing my shit. This isn't college anymore. (I'm even trying to use eye cream! So mature). But if a liquid remover isn't in my best interests, I'm not going to force it. Paycheck be damned.
SO, I've tested a lot of brands -- mostly of the remover-wipes.
Best bang for your buck? Elf! Or is it e.l.f? Who cares. You guys know Elf. Sold at Target? The packs are $3. One wipe will kill alllllllll your eye makeup, no wrestling needed. And I have pretty sensitive skin -- but these won't dry you out or irritate your eyes at all. Plus, the packaging is pretty solid, too. There's a snap compartment on top so that the wipes won't dry out/go bad (which is so much better than the sticker seal, which gets unhinged way too easily).
The Elf wipes are by far a superior product, in my opinion.
And as for the best liquid, I'd have to say generic/Sephora brand (in the blue container) and Mary Kay ... but honestly, I'm really over the liquid. (Not to mention, if you go the MK route, you have to find an MK salesperson who will stalk you). No offense, I understand you guys are trying to make Ds, but like, how about I call you when I need something and that's all the correspondence we have? Again, sorry.
And while we're on the topic of Elf -- Has anyone else tried the Elf Studio Lip Exfoliator? I don't know exactly why I need lip exfoliator or how often to use it, but I bought it once after reading a Buzzfeed list of makeup products that actually work (I'm a sucker for shit like that. The ultimate consumer). Anyway, I will say -- that stuff is also $3 and whenever I use it, my lips do feel pretty soft and nice. I've never compared it to another lip exfoliator, so whether you take my word on this is on you, but -- for $3, I feel like you can't go wrong.
I trust Elf because I trust Target.
Target just gets me.** (Again, said all 20-something women everywhere).
*Sidenote: Do I need new eyeliner? I've tried a few others, but I don't seem to like many. Too smudgy or thick. If anyone has a recco, please let me know in the comments! I've used gel before (it's OK), I am not coordinated enough for a liquid, and prefer a solid.
**Oh, and in case I haven't made this clear: No one reads my blog. My posts aren't sponsored. I genuinely love all these things. I'm not opposed to sponsored posts, so if Urban Decay wants to send me the Naked Palette3 or MK wants me to review a new bag -- I'm all for it! But until then ... this shit's real. That's why I'm writing about $3 wipes. Kbye!
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