Tuesday, September 23, 2014

David Kind, m-f.

Glasses, yo! I struggle with glasses. 

I guess like, two or three years ago I was trying to save Ds, and I canceled my vision insurance. I kind of remember it, actually. I was all, "wellllllll, I just got new glasses and I won't need 'em again for a year or two so I might as well cancel! I could def use that $7 extra a month on Chipotle or whatevz."


And then -- you can see where this is going -- I lost my glasses like, a week later in San Luis Obispo. Should have known. Story of my life.

So, I have a familiar habit of losing my glasses and then finding them anywhere from six months to two years later in a random coat pocket or old purse. It's kinddddd of my thing. 

So, when I lost my Christian Diors in SLO (tears), I grabbed an old pair of D&Gs that I had only sat on about 50 too many times -- instead of a million, my Cosmo pair is WRECKED -- and I just used those for awhile.

Except I really had to avoid wearing them in public. They were fine for watching Teen Mom 2 around my apartment -- #TeamChelsea, what whattttt -- but like, in public, my frames were still bent as shit and it was embarrassing. I felt all like, "halp me, I'm poor."

Then I heard about David Kind.

Here's the deal. You get your prescription -- or you call Eyes on J and ask for your most recent copy because you no longer have eye insurance ohwaitthat'sjustme -- and you mail it to DK. You also go DavidKind.com and sign up. They'll give you instructions on how to send in the scrip and get all situated. It's super easy.

I think I first went to the site out of curiosity one day.

I learned about DK through EatLiveRun, this blog that I sometimes hate-read or steal recipe ideas from. I liked the concept of someone else picking out the glasses for me. Although I think I have impeccable style when it comes to frames, I also think I don't always pick the perfect pair for my face. Maybe I'm just not objective enough. Who knows.

So, I eventually entered all my info -- shipping address, billing address, style preferences. Like I said, easy peazy.

They have you submit a selfie, too, so they can help you decide what's flattering for your face. You put a credit card on file for like, $300 and the company ships you a box of glasses all meant for you and you alone.

Hey heyyyyyyy
I got my box pretty fast, likely because the company is based out of California. It's a super pretty wooden box with like, six cases of glasses. Your stylist even writes you a little note about what she was thinking when she hand-selected each pair. Somewhere in the registration process, I had indicated that I didn't want anything too off-the-wall -- no colored frames or anything I couldn't wear to work. I also said I liked the NorCal hipster look that's kind of in right now if they had anything under that umbrella (ella, ella, AY).

I liked probably four of my six pairs. They sent me the styles in brown and black, so I could see that difference, too. Cool. I wore a bunch to work throughout the week and asked around to see who liked what. Really cool concept in that way. I got feedback like, "pick the smaller pair if you're trying to just have functional glasses. But pick the bigger pair if you want to be more like, 'I'm Kourtney Kardashian and I'm trying to be a bit trendy.'"

And then I could get all, "OMG well I love Kourt and personally think she has the best style of all the Kards so let's def vote for the bigger pair!!!"

And the bigger pair I got!

If you end up ordering, your $300 deposit goes toward your order. I think it covered my order perfectly, if I'm remembering correctly. So, not a cheap purchase, but not as bad as if I would have gone to LensCrafters without insurance.

If I would have ordered another pair, I would have just had to pay the extra cost. If I didn't like any of the glasses, I could have just sent the box back and gotten my 3-hundo back in its entirety. No presh!

It took maybe another week or so for DK to pop my prescription into the frames and send back the final product. All shipping was covered. It was just EASY and kind of fun.

So if you're looking for glasses and you think you need some assistance, check out DK! The "stylist" thing may seem hokey, but it's actually pretty helpful. Your person, once you select your frames, will talk you through the process of taking an unflattering selfie so that the technician can get your face measurements. And the stylist will even help you pick between pairs if you're feeling stumped. I didn't crutch on my person too hard, but it was nice to know someone was there to assist, if needed.

I now love my glasses!

And now I can wear them in person! Like to the Mayweather-Maidana fight, where the lighting turned me all red. Yay for no more bent-ass specs!
 As always, I'm unaffiliated with David Kind. Just trying to pass along some of my favs for those of you invisible readers who also love a good suggestion!

(Although, hook me up, DK. I'm not opposed to some freebs!)

**And yes, I am the last person in the world holding out on contacts. Srynotsry.

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