Monday, December 15, 2014

I went to Colorado! Part one

I feel like there are people in the world who just aren't that close with their families, and people who are like, weirdly WAY too into their families.

(This is a real status I just read on Facebook, no jokeskis. Here's the verbatim):

The few in this world I consider to be family, I am protective of, to say the least... And I know, I know... I can be a little CRAY CRAY sometimes, lol... yeah... it's hilarious.. all jokes aside? Don't f--- with my family.

I only tweaked the copy/paste action to bleep his swear word.

And now I just feel like, well ... this is awkward. Did you really need to put that out there for the world to see? You realize how the Internet works? Yes? OK. That's on you at this point.

I seriously hope the poster reads my blog someday and gets embarrassed. Sorry not sorry.


My family and I get along. We're close. We're not weirdly protective of each other on public forums. But we're drama-free. We genuinely like each other.

And we don't get together just the four of us all that often anymore! :( :(

My mom and Robs

Rob's pony


So, here's how this thing started. Last month, I requested off a handful of dates to drive up the coast into Mendocino County with my BFF, but we had to cancel. He couldn't get the time off work on such short notice, so I considered coming to Detroit. But flights were spendy and I wasn't feeling it a hunnid percent. (Sorry, have been watching a liiiiiiiiiiittle too much #LoveandHipHopHollywood lately). 

But then my mom suggested we all meet in Denver for a little family trip. Apparently, flights were dirt cheap from DTW to Denver, and then I looked and confirmed they were pretty reasonable from SMF to Denver too. So, sold.

My brother lives near and works at Keystone, so we decided to stay with him. He has a pretty big apartment, so we actually weren't too cramped.

What to tell you, what to tell you ...

To rewind all the way back for my recap portion of the program, I saw Brian Regan with ma boo on Friday in Santa Rosa (which was amaz), drove back earlyyyyyy (ha, 10 a.m.) Saturday, hopped on a plane to Denver just before 1 p.m. and got in around dinner time. Decided to kill some time with an airport massage (I never said I was classy), then I took 827348326478 texts from Robby and my mom about how I needed to catch this effing shuttle to Dillon because my parents' flight was running really late. The original plan was to carpool to my brother's, and my parents would be renting the car because that's what parents do. Even when you're 28.

So after some phone calls and a frantic dash across the Denver airport, I argued my way onto the Mountain Express, fronted $60 and got to Robby's by probably 8p.

The shuttle sitch wasn't ideal, but what can you do? It was true that I'd rather make progress on my final destination than kill five hours solo at the airport.

I got to Robby's and we ate QDOBA (we have no Qdoba in NorCal! I realize we have authentic Mexican food which is 82378326578 times better, but sometimes you just need that queso in your life), we hung out, watched the Notorious BIG movie on MTV, etc. etc. etc.  And my parents arrived a few hours later. This is why you don't fly Spirit.

The next day we all hung. Super low key. Arrested my dad a bunch (well, my mom too now that I consider it. More on that in part two). Went to Breckenridge! Hit a candy store way too hard like we were 10. Robby and I are 23 and 28, and we were like, "really, mom and dad? You'll let us fill up a bag? YASSSSS.) Anyway, downtown Breck was adorbs. Ate lunch, bought "Frozen," which we watched  twice over the weekend, and that's really the only indicator of action that you need     : )

We accidentally bought the singalong version, and by the end, we were passing the mic (and well, dropping the mic if you're me. I SLAY "Let It Go.")

Not really. I don't.

The mic is metaphorical.

But the next day we skied! So I'll give you part two in a few days. And explain this arresting business.

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