Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Welcome, 2015.

My Michigan peeps are about to ring in the new year in about 20 minutes. I've got 3 1/2 hours to go -- and I'm currently sitting in my newsroom, so there are no exciting plans in my future tonight.

Whatever though! People are always SO shocked to hear I work most holidays. I mean, if I were in Michigan, it might be more of a bummer. But out here, it's just me and G. So we both work (and allow the people with families the time off!) Because why not? Hopefully one day I'll be back in the Midwest and someone will do the same for me. Plus, this is a business of paying your dues. Gotta hope the next generation can take the bulk of the hols soon!

Until then, we'll take the comp time.

Anyway, NYE always makes me think of resolutions/what do I want to improve on in the year to come.

I don't really DO resolutions though, in the traditional sense. I mean, like many other bloggers, I set weekly and monthly goals -- benchmarks and such. But like, there's something to me about a resolution for the entire year to come that's just too daunting. Plus, there's no accountability, and judging from my gyms/yoga studios of the past, no one really keeps theirs anyway, right?

Although I have off-weeks, for the most part, I do keep in a pretty good habit of working out 3-4 times a week. I try not to drink wine on work nights. I hydrate. I treat people the way I'd want to be treated. I'm attempting to pay off my credit card debt. I (used to) volunteer. Probably need to get back in the swing of things in that regard! But like, what else is there?

So, I'll share a few small obtainable goals I'm setting for the month to come -- or just like, going forward. Goals/resolutions/whatever we want to call them.

1.) Keep working toward a new job -- preferably in the Midwest!

2.) If I'm going to caffeinate like a crazy person, let's try more green tea and fewer Monster energy drinks -- because those are probably awful for me. And whenever possible: WATER!

3.) Talk more with people I don't know. This can include strangers on the street or even like, my coworkers in the back of the building who I never really have to interact with. But whom I should interact with!

I've been working for awhile on becoming a better listener. Asking more questions and really hearing people's answers, rather than just deciding on what I'll say next. So I think this one ties into that. It reminds me of the Maya Angelou quote, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."  I want to make people feel valued and understood.

And I need to pick a new yoga studio, too. But I'd do that no matter what.

I generally like to stay in the habit of pushing my boundaries and feeling challenged. Anything I'm forgetting? Finally pay off those CCs once and for all?

Happy 2015! Here are some pics -- thanks for the mems, 2014!

January -- Lucky enough to see a Rose Bowl WIN vs. Stanford with Caitlyn!
February -- A particularly memorable Lake Tahoe hike.
March -- Met Tony and Lisa in San Diego with G. Saw a panda, my life is complete.
April -- DayDay got his first NBA playoffs start vs. the Clippers! #DubNation
May -- Mayweather vs. Maidana, Part 1. Surprised G with the trip!
End of May/Into June -- #RachBach weekend! So happy to celebrate one of my very best friends.
July -- #TomRach wedding is here!
(I tried to leave out the Sparty pic but just couldn't).
August -- Visited Calaveras County with this guy for some very big trees and delicious wine.
September -- Drove up to Oregon for the MSU/Ducks game and tailgated with these brahs!
October -- (Was too broke from an entire year of traveling that I sat on my couch the entire time and caught up on reality TV. But at some point -- I think actually June, to be transparent -- Robby came to visit! So his pic can go here).
November -- (Worked a ton, again, did nothing of note ... except visited San Jose for Thanksgiving, where Caitlyn and I snapped 0 photos, apparently. Filler pic, this is actually July in Michigan!)
December -- Met up with my immediate family in Denver!

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