Sunday, December 21, 2014

I went to Colorado! Part two

So, apparently Robby's been watching a lot of "Cops." And since the Boston accent is his default setting, he mostly pretended we were the bad guys on "Cops" and he was the (Boston) lieutenant all weekend -- and play-arrested us nonstop.

I did mention we're all adults, right? Right.

The arrest sequence goes a little something like this (read this in a Bahhhhstan accent plz), "I'm gonna need one hand behind your back, OK now I'm gonna need BOTH HANDS behind your back. Do you have anything in your pockets? You're going to need to TELL ME NOW if you have anything sharp in your pockets or in the backseat or anywhere at all, believe me, it's better that you tell me now than if you let me discover it. I have a Taser and I'm going to have to use it in a minute. Stop resisting STOP RESISTING. No one said you were being arrested, for now you're just being detained."

And so on. I have no idea whether this is at all accurate to the show, I think I've seen "Cops" a grand total of never times.

At one point, my dad laughed so hard that my mom thought he was going to die. Like, my dad was BRIGHT red and Robby was attacking and my mom was trying to get him off and I was just sitting in the corner trying not to make any noise, or I'd be the next one "arrested."  Detained.

We're totally normal, right?

And then my parents would dance around the living room and Robby would secretly (pretty obviously actually) record it on Snapchat and put it out for the world to see. And then my mom would ask to see it and request (again), "let's save this next one!" and I'd have to remind her for the millionth time that you can't save stuff on Snappy, like, that's the point.


It was fun, but yeah, we didn't do a whole lot on the trip. Like I mentioned, we watched "Frozen" twice. And pretended it was real. "I wonder what actor plays the scary snowman! I hope they didn't break any child labor laws on this one."  We're not funny. Made dinner one night. Skied! At Keystone. My mom read inside the lodge the whole time (story of our lives). There wasn't like, a tonnnnnnn of snow, but there was definitely enough. More than I've seen in the Sierras lately. That part was great.

Plenty of boops on this trip, how did you know?

My Ortlieb boys

So lucky to STILL be skiing with my dad!
At one point, the 3 of us were going down this hill, it was more challenging than most of the shit we'd done that day, but not like, crazy hard -- and my dad fell. I kinda watched it happen and giggled to myself (Robby was taping it so we could watch later that evening, we're not nice), but then as I was laughing, I skidded over some exposed rock/treetop and took quite the cute little tumble myself.


Didn't tear my knee apart! Winwinwin.

Nice weather though. My muscles were nice and sore by the end of the day and it felt good to have a session of early-season skiing under my belt.

Flew home the next day, which felt good. Nice to see my fam bam, but four days was plenty. I'll tell you all about the Amy Poehler book I devoured on the plane in the next blog! Spoiler alert: LIFE CHANGING.

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