Thursday, November 20, 2014

All the little things -- Part 3

It's that time again!

Hi, fluffies.
I'm finally maintaining a regular blog routine, but sometimes I just need to stay in the pattern of writing on the regs. And I don't always want to do a big ol'' post on one of my MAJOR FAV THINGS. (Like face wash. Or dry shampoo. It's just so challenging to tackle these deep topics, you guys. Really drains me).

So, another one of these shorties it is --

All the little things I'm loving:

I'm ...

Eating: Random seasonal snacks that sound good at the moment (like the monster bag of jalapeno pistachios in my desk at work), balanced with Lean Cuisines because I'm on a healthier-than-usual kick. Oh, but can we negate everything I just said and mention I ate theeeeee most amaz dessert probably of my life yesterday from Ettore's. (If you're in Sac, GET THURR). Pecan caramel cheesecake. Drop the mic! Just the teeniest baby slice because it was rich as F. But like, my mouth will never be the same. I was not expecting it to blow my mind like that. I just needed a pick-me-up because work was being a downer, so I went on a dessert adventure around the 7p hour and found ... heaven.

Drinking: Coffee (with Thin Mint creamer)! And wine. And water from all the yoga lately. But that's boring, let's get back to the wine. We just received our first wine-club shipment from Edenvale in Southern Oregon and I'm probably a little too excited. We got it Sunday and I've been like, frothing at the mouth to try some new ones. But I have a new self-imposed rule called no drinking wine on weeknights (it's just a little too easy to pour baby glasses each evening apres-work and unwind. And that's not a habit I'm trying to depend on). So TONIGHT. It's on, Edenvale!

My cute corks : )
Thinking about: Forgiveness. Being kind to myself. (Can you tell I have a new therapist I really like?) Paying off my credit cards once and for all. Wishing I could fly home for all the hols! Whimper whimper.

Watching: Kendra on WE-TV (this is depressing as F), 90-Day Fiance (omg what a trainwreck, GET ON IT), Chelsea Peretti on Netflix. The Albert Einstein part re: online commenters ... I was crying laughing.

Purchasing: A new coffee machine (a pretty nice one from Crate&Barrel I got with a 25% off coup!) And this butter dish that I've wanted for like, two years. Am I officially nesting? I never want shit for my apartment. I don't even hang stuff on my walls. (Saying you like white space is an easy way to spell out that you're lazy and don't know where to buy nails). But like, I've had my eye on this cute butter thing for years at Whole Foods. Why do I even want a butter dish in the first place? Don't ask. Although, you know what's annoying? Trying to spread butter on toast when it's all hard and just outta the fridge. The struggle is real. OK, so maybe that's what prompted it. ANYWAY TANGENT HI. I saw this butter thing at Ross (do you guys have Ross in Michigan? It's like, better and trashier than Marshall's/TJs at the same time and I don't even know), butttttt it was on sale for like, $8. It's usually like, $30 at WF and I just can't justify that. Buttttt I spotted it from afar and got all, can't stop, won't stop, getitgetit, wanted to buy multiple colors but whyyy would I need more than one butter dish?


Late 20s, I've officially arrived.
On the brain: T-givs, a possible holiday trip to Colorado, bummed that my Mendocino trip will be postponed.  I really wanna see my fam soon! 

And Sac finally got chilly (lol, no it didn't)! C'mon, it's like, 60 out.

Cooking/baking: Mexican chicken noodle soup, beef stroganoff in the Crock Pot, pasties from Apple Hill, buffalo chicken pizza on my new pizza stone, pumpkin whoopie pies (omg, one of the best pumpkin treats I've ever made! And I realized afterward that the pumpky I used was like, six months expired -- but they were delish and I didn't kill anyone with food poisoning). Scorrrre.

It feels so good to be in my warm, toasty kitchen lately. Tis the season, right?

Styling: My hair in a pony. Everyone loves this except me. But my hair is getting CRAZY long and you all know I don't wash it often. So sometimes I just need it outta here. Plus, was I the last to learn this? If you put your hair in a half pony and THEN a regs pony, it looks perfect like, 97% of the time. If I try to make a plain old pony? I somehow manage to F it all up. How am I 28 and I still haven't mastered the ponytail? I have my college degree but I can't do my hurr.  PS, can someone please come over and fishtail me every morning? So cute but I tried to learn on YouTube the other day and LULZLULZLULZ.

I'm teeny and cute! Wheeeee

Reading: All the things online, notably --

+ Canzano: 16 years after Oregon State football gang-rape allegation, Brenda Tracy steps from the shadows

+ Art or Humanity: Thoughts on Bill Cosby

+ Ryan Anderson tries to move forward after girlfriend Gia Allemand's suicide

Oh and everything I can find about Diem. Don't even try to read CT's post, it's just ... tears. Early heads up on that Ryan Anderson post, too. If you're not crying by the end of that thing, get outta here.

Not sure why I keep finding rapey things to read, but they really are resonating with me lately. At least Brenda Tracy spun hers into a positive. This UVA thing is just unfathomable. I can't wrap my head around any of it --

A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA

Cheering for: MSU football, obvs. I finally got over the Ohio State loss and actually have been able to relax and enjoy the season again. The reality here? A LOT of great teams are going to get left out of the 4. It's far from a perfect system. At the end of the day, I'm not sure MSU is one of the best 4, even at State's best. (Even if they had beat OSU). For the record, I want the F-eyes out of the 4, as well. That one half of the SEC is just loaded. Anyway, MSU still has a really good opportunity to go to a reasonable bowl game and prove itself (possibly against like, Auburn or someone super legit who also gets left out of the 4). Considering the kind of football I experienced while at State, I'll take it! Not a busted season at all.

And ... can  you believe basketball season is here already? Sparties looked awful against Navy, decent against Duke, but I'm not sure about this season. Weird starting 5. Time will tell, I suppose.

Playing with: BABY PUPPY!! Who looked me straight in the eye as he peed allllllll over the carpet the other day and then ran around, finishing up the job. What a naughty baby puppy. He's growing up so fast though! His ears drag in his food bowl when he eats and I just want to snuggle him.

Missing: My friends. I saw this FB pic the other day and it made me miss so many of you! And (unrelated) peonies. Scroll up. Tis NOT the season anymore, yo. What are some affordable fall flowers? Halpppppp.

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