Monday, November 3, 2014


I've mentioned I have problem skin.

I would type HAD, like, past tense, but I don't want to jinx it. My skin is so cray. I swear, a change in the seasons, a change in the tap water, a change anywhere and I look like a seventh-grader again. Hi, ACNE.

And I find it really annoying when I reveal this to people and they're all, "have you tried washing your face RIGHT when you're done working out?"

... Like, yeah. Thanks though. Very helpful.

So, my skin has been a bit of a science over the years and I've learned to deal and keep the sitch at bay. It's true that I have a pretty clear face right now, all things considered. I've come to accept that I will never be one of those girls with porcelain skin. I have years of scarring, and uneven tone. So as long as I'm not getting NEW crops of zits, it's a win.

But about two years ago, I was considering going on Accutane -- the acne was back, and with a vengeance.

Luckily, I got it to subside (for the most part) without having to take such extreme measures. Phew.

I honestly Googled "best over-the-counter acne medicine" and found an article from Consumer Reports. CR's pretty legit, so I opened it and discovered a recommendation for Oxy face wash paired with AcneFree spot treatment.

Manicure on full display AGAIN, enjoy.
I've been on Retin-A, Tazorac and similar 'scrips for years. I doubted whether this would be strong enough. But it was. And now I'm a believer.

Just this past weekend, my brother texted me, "I have acne again," (similar genes, apparently), so I wrote him back with instructions on what to buy. It's easy -- everything's sold at CVS or Safeway, and for like, $7ish.

So that was it. One Google, a few purchases and I've been in the clear.

So recently, I (developed Alzheimer's, apparently and) thought to myself, cool! My skin's finally gotten a bit more mature, I can switch up my face wash sitch, experiment a bit with new products ... but NOPE. A week or two off the routine and I was back to gross.

Ugh. Can my skin please get the memo that I'm 28?!

Moral of the story: Once you find shit that you like, that works -- stick with it. Anyone struggling with problem skin as an adult, try these two products! They've been working wonders for me.

I mean, until they DON'T. But that hasn't happened yet, so let's cross our fingers.

Warning: If you're not a serious greaseball, these will likely be too harsh for your skin. And they'll dry you out like a MF. (To which the only solution is Neutrogena oil-free, sensitive skin moisturizer. At least if you're me). Good luck! Adult acne is a whore.

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