Monday, February 2, 2015

OMG, forgot to update you.

My hair!

Because I know everyone was SO WORRIED!

Remember when I asked on FB, "should I color my hair?"

And all the guys in my life decided to chime in (seriously, there was only like, a small handful of female responses), and then I got nervous and panic-canceled, but I didddddddd end up eventually rescheduling my appointment.

Which was like, 2-3 weeks ago? I'm a fast blogger, I know. I really keep everyone updated on the important stuff.



I know, I suck at taking selfies (my mom tells me I take them like I have ginormous eyes) -- but there isn't much diff after all. Can you tell I ombre'd the bottom a bit? Balayage'd it up or whatever? I'm too lazy to Googz the spelling on that made-up word. So I added a D. Anyway, the top of my hurr is the same anyway; you really don't need to see the top of my head.

Anyway ... do you approve?! I kinda dig. Thanks Kari at Byuti! I'm a whole new me.

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