Thursday, March 19, 2015

All the little things -- Part 4

It's time for another one of these!

I'm loving so many new products lately.

Let's start with: Aveeno moisturizer (for shitty skin).*
*Obviously the real name.

I'm clearly a profesh photographer.

Moisturizer. Gahhhhh. I've blogged/talked on social media previously about how I feel out of the loop. You guys are really moisturizing every day? My skin just doesn't need it -- and not like, lucky me. My skin doesn't need it because it still produces enough oil on its own where I really shouldn't add any extra. And people love to tell me all the reasons I need to be moisturizing anyway, but the reality is this: When I try to do it on a semi-regular basis, the breakouts flare up again. When I use absolutely nothing except Oxy, my skin stays pretty clear. Easy enough. But but BUT. I was talked into giving moisturizer yet ANOTHER go-around recently (to accompany my under-eye cream), and I stumbled upon Aveeno. I have to admit, it's super mild. Like, even moreso than Neutrogena oil-free for sensitive skin. And that's really saying something. Anyway, I've been slathering on this Aveeno crap several times a week, and so far, so good. The brand itself reminds me of taking oatmeal baths as a second-grader with the chicken pox, but whatever.

Hourglass finishing powder


New favorite product.

So, this blog I stalk/steal recipe ideas from on the regs, How Sweet Eats -- you do too, don't lie, Jess has like, 7821471264718264 followers -- has pretty regular makeup posts. Which I love. She's been recommending this finishing powder for awhile. I saw it at Sephora about a month or two ago and decided to splurge. Some people use it to contour, but I don't do that shit. I can't even bump my hair, lez get real. So, I basically sub it for bronzer. My face routine is now this: I start with a teeeeeeny bit of Neutrogena skin-clearing foundation, I go HAM with my Makeup Forever compact, then balance out the look with Hourglass all over. Blend with blendy brush and voila!

Avon makeup remover

If you're not already using THIS -- and you need to be -- Avon actually has a similar option. My work friend Claire also introduced me to this product, and one of the bennys is, you can buy it for $1. No exagg -- a DOLLAR. And it's a lotion! So, if maybe someone irresponsible you know isn't moisturizing regularly but she's getting bags under her eyes ... although, I wouldn't know anyone like that -- this is a perfect option. It takes off your eye makeup almost as easily as that crazy olive oil shit I'm currently using. You just squirt a squirt onto a cotton ball or your fingertips, work it in there for a few seconds, then rinse. Magic! And a million times better than those crappy, ineffective wipes.

Revlon Colorstay lip color

Here's an impulse purch from my last CVS trip. Love it! The color really stays, and I can't say that for many lip products. I bought it in 003 (light pink), and I swear, you can eat a big sammy and you'll still find yourself with color on afterward. Recco!

Last two prods.

An eyebrow pencil

I'm actually blanking on the brand I use. But I finally jumped on the bandwagon. My mom was right about overplucking -- I don't have a serious lack of brow, but I do have several bald spots I now fill in everyday, just with a light hand. Easy and makes your whole face look better to have symmetrical brows.

New makeup setup from Amazon

I'm a hoarder?

My makeup was driving G crazy. It had invaded the sink, and was leaving traces behind, and there were some items you couldn't hold a certain way or move because they're junkie and they'll leak, and just ... it started to wear on even me. So, I sucked it up and ordered this contraption on Amazon a few weeks ago. It was $20 well spent. Now everything has a place, and I realized all the crappy things I hadn't used in years, and overhauled my collection. Great weekend project.

Lush shampoo 


Another recco from my fake Internet friend, How Sweet Eats. This stuff seriously makes you feel like you're wearing a wig of thick hair. I LOVE IT. My hair, apparently, is thick but fine -- fine being the key word. It doesn't hold product. It doesn't bump. It falls super flat. This shamp is SPENDY, I won't lie, but you're only supposed to use it like, once a week, so whatever, right? Also weird that it's in a mini tub, so you kinda have to scoop it out with your fingers -- and it's all sea salty and takes forever to lather ... but like I said, #worthit.

Blank Space by Taylor Swift

Ridic, right? WRONG. T$ is not just pop-country anymore -- she's more like, straight pop in this most recent album. And it's wonderful. I went from Starbucks Lovers (long list of ex lovers) to loving EVERY song on the CD. Wildest Dreams? Is incred. You might be asking yourself, who buys CDs these days? I do, apparently. It was $12 at Target and I needed something for my car. (And then I ordered the new Kendrick that dropped Monday!) Will keep you postey.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Just doing my part to be a basic-ass bitch. This like, reminds me of Elf. In the best way poss.

House of Cards

K, I'll admit it's hit the doldrums for a sec (I'm on ep. 5), but we're still chugging along. Can I please have Claire Underwood's wardrobe?

And: Was I the only one who DIDN'T KNOW that's Jenny from Forrest Gump? I'm the worst human on the planet.

Better Call Saul

I'll admit, I was wary. But this show is really is growing on me! Bob Odenkirk makes me lol like only Modern Family can. (And did you guys see the 3/11 MF? I was crying laughing at Phil playing Marco Polo in the motel pool with the Nicaraguan family).

The Night of the Gun (and my Amazon reader!)

David Carr, I'm so sorry I didn't know who you were until you died. What an incredible read (I'm not done). Having an Amazon reader was probably WAY overdue in my life, thanks for the Christmas present, G!

New work schedule

I'm now 11:30a-8:30p (long day, right? Especially considering I'm never done on time). So ... so far, so good. Let's talk more on Gchat, Michigan friends.

Vacation is brewing!

Won't tell you where I'm going till I'm back. It's local-ish. Road trip! Counting down the minutes.

Tourney time

GO GREEN! I love you, B-Daws.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Why I'm not a mermaid.

You know what I realized recently?

My thighs touch. I'm not sure they used to. But I'm also not so sure I care a ton.
I turned these dogs black and white because they're PALE AS F.

Real talk and rewind, my legs are my favorite physical feature. Most days, I feel like Beyonce. When it's hot out (so like, a LOT in Sactown), I like to rock the shortest shorts possible. (Within reason obvi, I'm clearly not 19 anymore, or a hooker)*.

I feel like this is the part where I should post a disclaimer: Like, "Don't worry though, I gain weight in my stomach! The grass is always greener, right?" ... But really, why should I be sorry for having a favorite physical feature on my own bod? I feel like, au contraire, we should ALL have a fav and stop focusing so much on our least-fav.

I'm not sure why I feel like I've seen so much body-angst lately. It's not like I'm exposing myself to any new people or social circles. I guess maybe I've just been more tuned into it -- hearing comments or reading shit online that makes me hone in. Not sure.

But I really think it's really too bad: Women hating themselves over something so trivial (the fat talk, not health in general). 

But it's lame. And I won't go off on societal pressures or the media or celebrities or Photoshop ... we know. But that still doesn't solve the prob.

And I will put a disclaimer here -- because I'm not trying to say I'm immune to it, or above it all. I certainly have days when nothing fits correctly and my whole closet looks like shit and I feel like I've gotten a little thicker in certain spots and I just want to cry. Those days are really hard to swallow.

But like, I kind of use those days as motivation, too.

That's what gets me out of bed for a 9a spin class or a 9:30a hot yoga sesh. And my wardrobe, too. I don't want to slowly buy new clothes over the years because I keep growing out of shit, that's certainly not the goal. I want to tighten up my arms for sleeveless summers and keep my stomach as flat as possible (which isn't even THAT flat) for my fav MSU T, which happens to be a small when I'm usually more of a medium. I want to keep pushing myself, and werkin-twerkin and staying healthy.

Because it feels good, right? To know that you just slayed a super hard workout or you held all four standing-bow-pulling poses for the entire two minutes even though your locked leg was burning like a MF. A few months ago, I got lost on a hike with my friend and accidentally made it all the way to high camp at Squaw Valley. Like, bruh, we just scaled AN ENTIRE EFFING MOUNTAIN.

I get that my thighs touch now, but they're strong as shit. Not everyone can climb to 10,000 feet, you know?

I feel like it should be healthy > skinny, right?

If I have a daughter someday, I want her to be strong. 

I feel strong (most days). I love feeling strong. And I want my daughter's head to reflect that, too -- like, when a bunch of women are complaining about what they hate on their bodies and how they "splurged" this weekend and now have to restrict like crazy the rest of the month ... I want her to be like, F that noise.

Eat what makes you happy. But be reasonable. If you feel like you're making too many unhealthy choices, reevaluate. Practice moderation. But don't obsess. Because who cares? Not other women. Certainly not guys. And I'm not saying like, GET FAT GIVE UP, but like, give yourself a break. Enjoy your body and enjoy your life.

I hate stupid memes online that are like, "bones are for dogs! [Skinny girls are no good]." Or "I don't have a thigh gap because tee hee! That's because I'm a mermaid! [Like, no, you're actually a douchebag]."

My thighs touch too, but I'm not going to pretend I'm an effing mermaid. 

And sure, maybe they didn't always touch, but I was never skin and bones, either. I've fluctuated a few pounds over the years. I've felt best inside when I'm active. Whether that's meant HS sports, or running all throughout college, or skiing or lifting heavy weights with my bodybuilder friends (year 20 I was STACKED, yo). ... But before my wedding? I wasn't eating like a normal person. I didn't feel healthy. My collar bones were popping like I wanted them to, but it was gross. And then after the wedding? I craved bagels because my body was starving. I probably enjoyed food a bit too much and had to hit bikram harder than usual for six months or so.

(Related/unrelated: I did think I was chubby my senior year of high school, at 5'7 and 125 pounds. lolololol omg stop. But I'll probably look back on 28-year-old Michelle someday, a little heavier but not by a ton, and think -- "you looked great then, too!") We all just need to give ourselves a break.

I just got to thinking about all this after reading XO Jane earlier this month, when this girl posted about what "dress-for-your-body"-type rules she sometimes breaks. And I loved it. I'm not suggesting you wear unflattering pieces, but like I said: Sacramento gets hot. So sometimes when all my shorts are in the wash, I'll wear a maxi dress. It's probably not the world's best decision on a tummy-gainer, but IT'S HOT OUT. And I deserve to wear the closest thing to a light-weight nightgown out in public. So, yolo. Do you. Random people on the street are not judging.

A few final thoughts? I know when my body feels tight and fit, and when I need to cut out some snacks. You probably do, too. Listen to that. (I actually don't weigh myself at all, and mostly judge my current state by how my pants are fitting).

But above all else, be kind to yourself. Mentally and physically. 

We're all just doing our best.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Back to shit that I love: Mascara! Part 2

Ya'll <--- (?) can throw my old mascara post out the window.

Because from here on out, I'm never buying anything else except ROLLER LASH.

Holy shit. This stuff just dropped the mic on my life.

So it's made by Benefit (the same peeps behind "They're Real," my previous fav), meaning I should have known it was about to be bomb.

Natalie gave me the recco about a week or two ago, but it took me until Friday to bite the bullet and get my ass to Sephora*. A Christmas gift card from my grandma made the price tag a little better ($24), but like, I also have 923784367481 tubes of mascara, so, did I still feel a litttttttle ridic? Yeup.


You only lash once? No? That makes no sense?

Anyway, even James, who like, is NOT into my beauty routine, noticed my lashes on day one.

I'm not good at looking away yet still trying to snap a pic. I look like a blind person, riiiight?

The brush seems to be designed to volumize and curl. You can get to the bottom guys pretty easily (I usually neglect them), and once you slather on a few coats, your lashes will look like fakes. <---- The goal.

I'm obsessed.

It takes you a few minutes to play with the brush before you really get the hang of it, and I don't think the formula is as thick as say, Dior's. But there's minimal clumping and I just see so much potential here.

If you wanna go 3-5 coats, cool, you now have hooker lashes. <--- The goal, most days.

But if you want to toss on a quick coat before work, you can do that, too. It's honestly dramatic and everyday masc, whichever you want it to be.

AND YOU HAVE TO TRY IT. (And remove it at the end of the night with this!)

Seriously. You're welcome. (Thank you, Nattles, for the rec).

*I also bought DryBar dry shamp for brunettes, Philosophy perfume in fresh cream, a new Makeup Forever compact and some Urban Decay liner.  99 probz, yo.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Back to real-life posts: Last weekend was like, the funnest.*

*Yep, I said funnest. And yes, I happen to pride myself on my proper diction/grammar. Sorry I'm not sorry! BECAUSE IT WAS THE FUNNEST!

So, lez back up.

Everyone's favorite Pruzer was coming into town (as in, he was coming to Northern California, not really MY town, but close enough), so Caitlyn and I decided we'd plan a weekend.*

*And by "plan a weekend," I mean, not really. Like, we picked him up from the airport? Huge success? (I say "we," and I wasn't even included in that part). But like, we got him and let everything else fall into place, itinerary-wise. Except Caitlyn and Dad diddddd purchase surprise birthday Red Wings tickets.


K, lez back up again.

Pruz was coming to San Jose for his birthday weekend, and Caitlyn and I decided a few things right away (a month earlier): a) We'd take him to the Wings game, as they were in town to play the Sharks that Thursday, and b) that we'd surprise him with ME. Guest appearance! I love me some Pruzer. We've been friends since we were 12.

Eighth-grade dance! After Bryan Edwards made me cry, lololol

So, back to RL, the funny part was, I had to act totally uninterested in Pruz's trip. He had messaged me a few times about it, and I was just like, "hmm, yeah, I'll try to swing by. No promises." And I had totally taken a day off work and arranged the whole thing.

Even Dan told me later, Pruz asked about me when he landed, and Dan had to be like, "well, Sacramento's not THAT close. It's actually pretty far, so."

Pruz later was like, "that was kind of mean, I thought you really didn't want to meet up!"


Pruzeroni Macaroni.

Caitlyn and I texted the night before and settled on a spot: Southern Pacific Brewing, in SF. Well, actually we settled on El Techo, but then learned they wouldn't be open for lunch. Whatevskis. They'd pick Pruzer up from the airport and I'd meet them around nooner. My goal was to waltz in the room, plop down next to AP and immediately inquire about his beloved garage, as if that wasn't weird at all, like, guess who just so happens to be hanging out in SF?

(But then I struggled to park for like, 20 minutes and got sweaty and decided to just come in with no real game plan/grand surprise). I pulled up a chair and was just like, "hey!" Haha.

But he really was so surprised! It worked out perfectly; my drive over was faster than ever (I only woke up at 10:30a and was in the city by noon), and the brewery was perfect. Caitlyn and I dropped the surprise about the game later that evening and it was gorgey out as we shared patio beers (because CALIFORNIA).

The brewery!

 So, we eventually all carpooled back to Sunnyvale, got ready for the game, then before we knew it, WINGS. The toothless hotties from D-town, not the food (although, wings sound delish right now, riiiight?)

Anddddd they won! And I kind of didn't expect them to, they were struggzin' at times! But DFH must have known Caitlyn and I were in the building because HOLLA!

Afterward, we came back to the Hatman household, snuggled with our favorite, most regal and loving Puppybrother, played Cards Against Humanity and went to bed. So many dranks.

I woke up to Cait telling us she planned to order 50 pieces of bacon.

So brunch was on.

UGH we went to the most magically delish place called Billy's? And I ordered something Mexican and Cali (MexiCali benedict?) and a Bloody Mary that was perfectly spicy, and the servers made Pruz dance for his birthday and it was the happiest brekkie of all time.

Then we were like, "wine tasting?" Wine tasting.

Wine tasting.

 We drove up this hill nearby and found the best winery. We all tasted, then split a bottle of Pinot Noir up top. It was the most gorge outlook.

Group shot!

By this point, they were like, "um, please don't leave?" And I was all, "let's keep the drinks flowing and I most certainly won't!" I'm not trying to get D and drive 2 hours home, ya know ya knowwwww?

Back to Sunnyvale we went. I think we rested for a bit, changed and got cute for dinnz, then ate at Caitlyn's old restaurant, Pizza Antica. Which was delish AGAIN. I swear, I took only the most perfect bites this weekend. Two baby pizzas, bolognese, calamari, brussels, dolcetto, etc. etc. etc.

We had a little nightcap drank and then Lyfted back home.
*This weekend brought to you by ibuprofen and Uber/Lyft. This weekend partially RUINED by Caltrain and the M-F dress. It's white and gold you guys, I swear we're not looking at the same thing if you say blue and black.

This was followed by even MORE Cards Against Humanity, bevs and puppy snuggles.

I thought this was cute of me? But Jimmy tells me my eye's bugging out. lulz

I can't even get into all the stupid jokes and shit that kept us laughing. Reddit wormhole and lowering are like, the only words I can type here without raising some 'brows.

I left super early Saturday morning to hang with Jamers. But my heart was still in the Bay, I swear! James and I took a nap then went to Bike Dog for Sacramento Beer Week. Then met up with Colin and his new girlfriend at Yolo Brewing. Loved it and loved it. But then SJ group kept texting me pics of food and fun and SF adventures and I was so sad it was over so fast!

One of the most fab friends weekends in AWHILE.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Oscars fash!

I liked a LOT more looks than I was expecting to! I guess that makes sense -- it's the Oscars; time to bring your A-game.

So here goes! (A week and a day late, I know. Still reeling from Kelly's departure on FP. And I had a busy work week thennnnnn drank in San Jose all weekend). So.


1.) Scarlett Johansson [Versace]
I wasn't sure if this was a choker, or like, part of her gown, but I was like, DROOLING over this look. I mean, a) because she's ScarJo and her beauty is some next-level shit. And b) THIS COLOR! She was just radiant. She had a baby like, 10 seconds ago, but her body's already back and just ... she could do no wrong.


2.) Rosamund Pike [Givenchy Haute Couture]
Speaking of women who just had a baby ... Rosamund AND my numba 3, Zoe Saldana (and didn't Z have twins? The fuck are you people doing?) Anyway, I had RP on my worst list once this season, and then she almostttttt cracked my best another time (when she wore the black drape-y thing), but like ... she came up just short. 

But THIS. Was perfect. I loved the red, the fit, the slit, the matching shoe, the hurr ... she def saved the best look for last, as she should. Amazing Amy wins!


3.) Zoe Saldana [Atelier Versace]
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything.

                                                  4.) Reese Witherspoon [Tom Ford]
Timeless, elegant, flattering, lovely.

                                               5.) Felicity Jones [Alexander McQueen]
She has such a classic look. This gown was princessy and fun. Some said a bit prom, but I didn't have a prob with it. It's the Oscars, why not? The heavy bang is so cute on her. Fashion crush!

                                                  6.) Emma Stone [Elie Saab Couture]
A bit of a risk from Emma, but I loved it! The gown's beading is gorgeous. I like how it's conservative but tailored really well. I don't know -- I saw it and gasped, that's about as simple as it was for me. She just looks so put together, and the lip color is really fun up against the chartreuse, too.

                                                       7.) Naomi Watts [Armani Prive]

Super fancy bricks with a bandeau underneath? I feel like I should hate this, but it just worked. Her lob and berry lip are pretty, too. I just kept coming back! I'm not positive this was an Oscars dress, but she looked undeniable.

8.) Jamie Chung [Yanina Couture]
"Baby you're a fiiiiiiiiiirework," was like, all I could keep singing in my head. Tulle, sequins and starbursts, yo. I loved it. The earrings and hair were a nice complement, and it was just so FUN. I want to wear this.


9.) Lupita Nyong'o [Calvin Klein]
Guess who's back. Back again. 'Pita's back, tell a friend ... (don't make me keep going). -- And with like, 10 million pearls! Her skin is just perfection. Again, I decided this was a winner in about .08 seconds. Instant reaction was just YAS.

10.) Jenna Dewan [Zuhair Murad]
She took the plunge, but I think it worked! A lot of girls were rocking simple ponies like this, which was also pretty cool up against these fancy dresses. Her man candy didn't look half bad, either. I will say: Her after-party dress caught my eye too (maybe even more?) but whatever -- both were knockouts. Should I not say "man candy?"


Honorable mentions (because I had a hard time cutting! -- and like I said, it's the Oscars): Anna Kendrick (loved the gown's color, Anna's makeup and the hair!), Cate Blanchett (adored the statement necklace; she looked gorge, the black dress was just a touch boring to crack the list), and same goes for Margot Robbie (gorge though. Like, stunning. That necklace? Unreal). Also ... Gwyneth Paltrow. Very Carrie Bradshaw, but the fit was great and this was the best she's looked on the red carpet in awhile.

Hate to do this to you guys but ...

WORST: (in this order!)

  1.) Lady Gaga [Azzedine Alaïa]
Why the red rubber gloves? Were you washing the dishes in this dress and you suddenly had to catch a ride to the Academy Awards? Nahhhhh.

Or you just HAD to do something Gaga-esque and fuck up your look? The dress is OK (outside of the sleeves/nonsleeves), but I can't overlook these horrendous gloves. Which, I found out later, had matching shoes. Great Sound of Music, though. Like, really. No sarc. I've watched the clip on YouTube 978384768647 times, and fa real, it stole the show. I almost feel bad for putting you #1 on my wildly popular (lolol) blog JUST BECAUSE OF THAT MEDLEY. Anyway.

 2.) Keira Knightley [Valentino]
I wish I could grab a Sharpie and scrawl something snarky, too. Perhaps "fugly" in cursive? We were making such progress, Keira. Now we're back to this garbage? Gross. Might as well bring back your butterfly bracelet.

  3.) Lorelei Linklater [Gabriela Cadena]
Better than last time but still a bit goth/vampy. Wasn't feeling it. And she's actually got a really pretty face.

4.) Kerry Washington [Miu Miu]
Yawns. I expect more, Ms. K-Wash. I get that you're a mom now, but that's no reason to pick a dress so maternal.

  5.) Behati Prinsloo [Armani Prive]
Necklace was too heavy, hair too severe and this just looked like a walking case of the measles. 

6.) Chrissy Teigen [Zuhair Murad]
 Chrissy always looks to die for. Killer body, killer face, I mean, she's a model, so duh, right? I found this look a little trashier-than-usual though. Nextttt.

 7.) Nicole Kidman [Louis Vutton]
Why the red belt? Kinda killed it for me. She's looked a million times better.

8.) Gina Rodriguez [Suzi Amis Cameron]
Would have liked to see her in something a bit more youthful. She's super cute, but the old-lady hair and dress weren't my fav.  

9.) Chloe Moretz [Miu Miu]
Not a flattering cut, plus, it looked like a tablecloth. At my grandma's. Like, not MY grandma's (because both my grandmas happened to have pretty good taste. But. You get it).

10.) Julianna Moore [Chanel] 
What am I missing? So many people LOVED this. And while I can appreciate the artistry -- I read somewhere that 80,000 sequins and flowers had to be sewn on -- I just didn't like it on JM. The all-white up against her super pale skin washed her out. I wasn't crazy about the fit. The dropped waist did nothing for her figure, and it just appeared ill-fitting. Anddddd now I feel bad.