Thursday, March 19, 2015

All the little things -- Part 4

It's time for another one of these!

I'm loving so many new products lately.

Let's start with: Aveeno moisturizer (for shitty skin).*
*Obviously the real name.

I'm clearly a profesh photographer.

Moisturizer. Gahhhhh. I've blogged/talked on social media previously about how I feel out of the loop. You guys are really moisturizing every day? My skin just doesn't need it -- and not like, lucky me. My skin doesn't need it because it still produces enough oil on its own where I really shouldn't add any extra. And people love to tell me all the reasons I need to be moisturizing anyway, but the reality is this: When I try to do it on a semi-regular basis, the breakouts flare up again. When I use absolutely nothing except Oxy, my skin stays pretty clear. Easy enough. But but BUT. I was talked into giving moisturizer yet ANOTHER go-around recently (to accompany my under-eye cream), and I stumbled upon Aveeno. I have to admit, it's super mild. Like, even moreso than Neutrogena oil-free for sensitive skin. And that's really saying something. Anyway, I've been slathering on this Aveeno crap several times a week, and so far, so good. The brand itself reminds me of taking oatmeal baths as a second-grader with the chicken pox, but whatever.

Hourglass finishing powder


New favorite product.

So, this blog I stalk/steal recipe ideas from on the regs, How Sweet Eats -- you do too, don't lie, Jess has like, 7821471264718264 followers -- has pretty regular makeup posts. Which I love. She's been recommending this finishing powder for awhile. I saw it at Sephora about a month or two ago and decided to splurge. Some people use it to contour, but I don't do that shit. I can't even bump my hair, lez get real. So, I basically sub it for bronzer. My face routine is now this: I start with a teeeeeeny bit of Neutrogena skin-clearing foundation, I go HAM with my Makeup Forever compact, then balance out the look with Hourglass all over. Blend with blendy brush and voila!

Avon makeup remover

If you're not already using THIS -- and you need to be -- Avon actually has a similar option. My work friend Claire also introduced me to this product, and one of the bennys is, you can buy it for $1. No exagg -- a DOLLAR. And it's a lotion! So, if maybe someone irresponsible you know isn't moisturizing regularly but she's getting bags under her eyes ... although, I wouldn't know anyone like that -- this is a perfect option. It takes off your eye makeup almost as easily as that crazy olive oil shit I'm currently using. You just squirt a squirt onto a cotton ball or your fingertips, work it in there for a few seconds, then rinse. Magic! And a million times better than those crappy, ineffective wipes.

Revlon Colorstay lip color

Here's an impulse purch from my last CVS trip. Love it! The color really stays, and I can't say that for many lip products. I bought it in 003 (light pink), and I swear, you can eat a big sammy and you'll still find yourself with color on afterward. Recco!

Last two prods.

An eyebrow pencil

I'm actually blanking on the brand I use. But I finally jumped on the bandwagon. My mom was right about overplucking -- I don't have a serious lack of brow, but I do have several bald spots I now fill in everyday, just with a light hand. Easy and makes your whole face look better to have symmetrical brows.

New makeup setup from Amazon

I'm a hoarder?

My makeup was driving G crazy. It had invaded the sink, and was leaving traces behind, and there were some items you couldn't hold a certain way or move because they're junkie and they'll leak, and just ... it started to wear on even me. So, I sucked it up and ordered this contraption on Amazon a few weeks ago. It was $20 well spent. Now everything has a place, and I realized all the crappy things I hadn't used in years, and overhauled my collection. Great weekend project.

Lush shampoo 


Another recco from my fake Internet friend, How Sweet Eats. This stuff seriously makes you feel like you're wearing a wig of thick hair. I LOVE IT. My hair, apparently, is thick but fine -- fine being the key word. It doesn't hold product. It doesn't bump. It falls super flat. This shamp is SPENDY, I won't lie, but you're only supposed to use it like, once a week, so whatever, right? Also weird that it's in a mini tub, so you kinda have to scoop it out with your fingers -- and it's all sea salty and takes forever to lather ... but like I said, #worthit.

Blank Space by Taylor Swift

Ridic, right? WRONG. T$ is not just pop-country anymore -- she's more like, straight pop in this most recent album. And it's wonderful. I went from Starbucks Lovers (long list of ex lovers) to loving EVERY song on the CD. Wildest Dreams? Is incred. You might be asking yourself, who buys CDs these days? I do, apparently. It was $12 at Target and I needed something for my car. (And then I ordered the new Kendrick that dropped Monday!) Will keep you postey.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Just doing my part to be a basic-ass bitch. This like, reminds me of Elf. In the best way poss.

House of Cards

K, I'll admit it's hit the doldrums for a sec (I'm on ep. 5), but we're still chugging along. Can I please have Claire Underwood's wardrobe?

And: Was I the only one who DIDN'T KNOW that's Jenny from Forrest Gump? I'm the worst human on the planet.

Better Call Saul

I'll admit, I was wary. But this show is really is growing on me! Bob Odenkirk makes me lol like only Modern Family can. (And did you guys see the 3/11 MF? I was crying laughing at Phil playing Marco Polo in the motel pool with the Nicaraguan family).

The Night of the Gun (and my Amazon reader!)

David Carr, I'm so sorry I didn't know who you were until you died. What an incredible read (I'm not done). Having an Amazon reader was probably WAY overdue in my life, thanks for the Christmas present, G!

New work schedule

I'm now 11:30a-8:30p (long day, right? Especially considering I'm never done on time). So ... so far, so good. Let's talk more on Gchat, Michigan friends.

Vacation is brewing!

Won't tell you where I'm going till I'm back. It's local-ish. Road trip! Counting down the minutes.

Tourney time

GO GREEN! I love you, B-Daws.

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